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Accredited organisation

Asociacion Andaluza por la Solidaridad y la Paz


Calle Juan del Encina 34, 29013, Malaga, Espanha - +34952651034

Descrição da organização

We are a non profit organization that works in the construction of a more humane, fair and egalitarian world. Born in 1987, throughout these 30 years of work, we have accompanied and supported communities and groups from Andalusia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Western Sahara, Nicaragua, Perú, Palestine, Burkina Faso, Togo, among other countries and peoples. Our main work areas are Education for Development, International Development Cooperation and Political action and citizen participation. The values that inspire our action are justice, human dignity, commitment, coherence, peace, cooperation, affection and tenderness, ecology, human rights and gender equality.
ASPA has always considered Education as the key element of its project. The concept we use to define the education we perform is “Global Education”, which includes: Education for Sustainable Development, Education for Peace, Human Rights Education, Gender Education and Intercultural Education. In light of these approaches we develop formal, non-formal and informal educational processes throughout workshops at schools and universities aimed at promoting a critical citizenship committed to solidarity and to combating inequality and social exclusion linked to neoliberalism.
We follow a participatory, dialogic, playful and experiential methodology, based on the ideas of Popular Education from Paulo Freire. For this brazilian pedagoge, education starts from believing in the creative power of people. He questioned the hierarchies of traditional or “banking” education, defending the change of roles teachers – students. He proposed a horizontal and democratic educational model in which dialogue plays a crucial role.
This methodology promotes the expression of student diversity and enriches itself with it, taking into account the different dimensions of human beings: emotional, intellectual and spiritual. The idea of these teaching- learning processes is to generate new ways of seeing, feeling and being in the world through the valorization of diverse knowledge and experiences, the improvement of “self-and-group-esteem”, and the strengthening of the sense of belonging and interdependence. The last step of this process is to develop tools and strategies to raise awareness, denounce-demand and build collectively transformative alternatives towards a more just, respectful, equitable and solidary reality for all people and groups.
More information here:
Political action and citizen participation.
The area of “Political action and citizen participation” is aimed at fostering critical thinking and mobilizations towards a more humane society, committed to equality and human rights. In this regard, we participate and belong with different platforms and networks such as Coordinadora Andaluza de ONGDS, Coordinadoras Málaga, Córdoba y Granada Solidaria, BDS Platform, South Border Watch, etc.
The actions we develop in order to achieve these objectives include:
- Strengthening social groups/ networks and NGO coordinators.
- Opening participation, awareness raising and denouncing spaces for citizenship.
- Participating in different campaigns related to human rights.
- Publishing a newsletter every 15 days called “From South to South”
More information here:

International Development Cooperation.
Our work in this area is aimed at the construction of a world without exclusions, where the distribution of wealth is real. A world without borders where we all fit, recognizing the integrity of all human beings and promoting peaceful and egalitarian relations between North and South, East and West. We don’t agree with the predominant Development model which place nature and people at the service of markets. Our actions in this field are based on the respect and support of different development processes committed to Human and Nature Rights, always designed and performed by the people and communities we work with. The countries we are currently working in are Bolivia, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Togo, among others, being mainly focused on empowering and accompanying women from rural areas.

More information here:

  • Esta organização é titular de um Selo de Qualidade do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, que certifica que a organização tem capacidade para levar a cabo projetos em conformidade com os princípios e objetivos do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade.

Âmbito Voluntariado

Papel Data de validade
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 913453463 OID: E10078600

Temas da organização

Equality and non-discrimination

Human rights
