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Accredited organisation

Asociación de Amigos del Monasterio de Santa Maria de Sobrado

Praza Portal s/n, 15813, Sobrado, Spain


Lýsing á stofnuninni/samtökunum

Somos una asociación legalmente registrada que desde el año 2016 trabaja en la promoción del patrimonio cultural (material e inmaterial) ligado al Monasterio de Sobrado dos Monxes. Así colaboramos estrechamente con la comunidad monástica de la Orden Cisterciense (OSCE), que gestiona, dinamiza y cuida el edificio declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad, situado en el llamado Camino norte de Santiago. Dicha comunidad está compuesta por 16 monjes, que, además de su actividad religiosa propia, a la que no se obliga a nadie de los voluntarios, alojados o peregrinos, tiene como actividad fundamental atender el albergue de peregrinos, la hospedería, una pequeña tienda y la huerta de cultivos ecológicos
Los destinatarios de nuestras actividades son todas aquellas personas que quieran conocer nuestro tipo de vida, compartir con ellos sus conocimientos y experiencias y buscar la cooperación y ayuda mutua


We are a legally registered association that since 2016 works in the promotion of cultural heritage (material and intangible) linked to the Monastery of Sobrado dos Monxes. Thus we collaborate closely with the monastic community of the Cistercian Order (OSCE), which manages and cares for the building declared World Heritage, located on the so-called Northern Way of Santiago. This community is composed of 16 monks, who, in addition to their own religious activity, which is not obliged to any of the volunteers, housed or pilgrims, has as a fundamental activity to attend the pilgrims hostel, the lodge, a small shop and the organic crop garden
The recipients of our activities are all those people who want to know our kind of life, share with them their knowledge and experiences and seek cooperation and mutual help.

Viðfangsefni tengd samfélagslegri þátttöku

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Educational difficulties
  • Geographical obstacles
  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Sjálfboðaliði

Role Gildir til
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 896912150 OID: E10226511

Viðfangsefni stofnunarinnar/samtakanna


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