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Accredited organisation

Actionaid Australia

Actionaid Australia

Al Saalm Street , 00970, Hebron, Palestine - +970598505406

Lýsing á stofnuninni/samtökunum

ActionAid is a global justice Federation working to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication. Throughout
the world, ActionAid works to strengthen the capacity and active agency of people living in poverty and exclusion, especially
women, to assert their rights. Globally, we work directly with communities, with people’s organizations, women’s movements,
groups and networks, social movements and other allies to overcome the structural causes and consequences of poverty and
injustice. We connect the work we do at community level with broader efforts and struggles for justice at every level to make
the greatest contribution towards a just, equitable and sustainable world. Guided by feminist and human rights-based
principles and approaches, we seek to shift and transform power, through empowerment, solidarity, campaigning and the
generation of alternatives to ensure that every person can enjoy a life of dignity and freedom from all forms of oppression.
ActionAid prioritizes the leadership of women and young people, especially those living in poverty and exclusion, in our efforts
to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication. We create platforms for collective action and solidarity by
enabling people around the world to unite and contribute to social justice struggles in various ways – as active citizens,
supporters, staff, volunteers and partners for change. Around the world, ActionAid is rooted in the contexts where we operate
and proudly upholds our primary accountability to the people most affected by unequal power relations.
In Palestine, we are demonstrating the same commitment to supporting the empowerment of women and young people living
in poverty and injustice. We believe that the effects of Israel’s occupation of Palestine – compounded by lack of accountability
of local government and a patriarchal society that denies women and young people their rights – severely limit the ability of
Palestinian women and young people particularly to take control over decisions that affect their lives. Through our work we
strive to contribute to freedom and justice for Palestinian people to enjoy their rights, identity and a life lived with dignity.
We believe that Palestinian people living in poverty and injustice must be central in driving social, economic and political
change towards the realization of their national and human rights. We prioritize the following rights holders and catalysts for
• Women, who pay the highest price of unjust policies and patriarchal society that is reinforced by a patriarchal mindset and
military occupation, must play a key role to shift unequal power and gender relations.
• Young people are important drivers of change throughout the world. They also represent the majority of the population in
Palestine. They experience high levels of unemployment, political disengagement and civic rights violations that are
exacerbated by the oppression of the Israeli military occupation.
• Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) are key to our mission: we will work to support front line activists, HRDs and Civil Society
Organizations (CSOs) to protect and expand political space and participation in democratic decision making, as well as
exposing the practices of the Israeli occupation at local, national and international levels.
• Feminist organizations, alliances and networks; we are committed to working with and supporting women’s rights
organizations, women human rights’ defenders and with feminist organizations.
• The most disadvantaged groups whose rights are systematically violated due to practices, policies and norms that
undermine their potential to take a lead for their future. We will ensure intersectionality by looking into strategies to engage with
people with disabilities, indigenous communities e.g. Bedouin communities, children and elderly people.
ActionAid Palestine works with the Palestinian community, in particular youth and women through our civic engagement
program, Humanitarian and resilience program, women agency and economic resilience. ActionAid projects strive to active its
three main strategic goals:
• Objective 1: Build the active agency of women and girls to address the structural causes of discrimination and violence
against them and enhance their access to economic justice
• Objective 2: Advance the civil and political influence of Palestinian women and young people to demand accountability and
responsiveness of duty bearers at all levels.
• Objective 3: Enhance a transformative resilience and advocate for rights-based responses to the Israeli occupation of
Palestinian territory
ActionAid has a main office in Hebron, a secondary office in Bethlehem mainly hosting the Global Platform and an office in
Ramallah as an extension to both hosting program and project employees

Viðfangsefni tengd samfélagslegri þátttöku

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Educational difficulties
  • Social obstacles
  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Sjálfboðaliði

Role Gildir til
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027
PIC: 907337710 OID: E10219220

Viðfangsefni stofnunarinnar/samtakanna

Borgaraleg og lýðræðisleg þátttaka

Climate action, environment and nature protection

Community development