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Accredited organisation

Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı İzmir Koordinasyon Merkezi


Akıncı, 1296. Sk. No:26, Konak, 35240, İzmir, Turquia - +905394058150

Descrição da organização

Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı (TOG – Community Volunteers Foundation) was founded in December 2002. The Foundation
contributes to the personal development of young people by encouraging them to participate in social responsibility projects as
volunteers. In doing so, it increases young people’s community involvement on a voluntary basis. Every year the Foundation
supports the realization of over 800 projects and activities implemented by about 30,000 young people in over 100 university
clubs. Also TOG have one Youth Center called İğne Deliği (Pinhole), in Samsun and other coordination centers in Izmir,
Ankara, and Diyarbakır.
- Trains trainers who implement peer to peer trainings on subjects such as volunteerism, project management, human rights,
social rights, reproductive health, health literacy and organizational management
- Offers face to face support to university student clubs according to their needs
- Provides scholarship opportunities and internships to young people
- Creates a learning environment that increases youth mobility, which in turn supports learning from other young people and
youth organizations
- Supports young people’s ideas on social problems specific to their projects and helps them find financing for these projects
- Investigates and contacts stakeholders to increase awareness on the needs of university students within the public realm`
Izmir coordination center is one of the TOG's office in Izmir. The main activities of the TOG mentioned above take place also in
the coordination center of Izmir. Community volunteers from the Aegean area use the center in order to implement their local
projects or to work on their projects when they need a working place.

  • Esta organização é titular de um Selo de Qualidade do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, que certifica que a organização tem capacidade para levar a cabo projetos em conformidade com os princípios e objetivos do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade.

Âmbito Voluntariado

Papel Data de validade
Hosting 31/12/2027
Apoio 31/12/2027
OID: E10217312

Temas da organização
