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Accredited organisation

Associació per la mobilitat internacional i emprenedoria YOUTH BCN

Youth BCN

selva de mar 249 bajos 1º, barcelona , 08020, barcelona, Spagna - +34636113860

Descrizione dell'organizzazione

Youth BCN is an association based in Barcelona, Spain. We focus on youth work, entrepreneurship and international mobilities, such as internships, volunteer actions, meetings of youngsters and youth workers, mainly inside Erasmus+. We work with organizations of a similar profile from all over Europe (more than 20 partnerships) to implement events and training courses using non-formal education as a method. Youth participation, volunteering and international mobilities are powerful instruments to encourage youth to take an active part in the society. By engaging in international projects we help young people to improve their skills and social awareness, share experiences and ideas, integrate them within the multinational environment of the EU, facilitate intercultural awareness, create new joint initiatives and promote an inclusive society. Our target group are youngsters between 18 and 30 years old that have fewer opportunities and/or disadvantaged backgrounds. As well, we focus on the development of youth workers skills and innovative methods.
Our aim is to empower youngsters to be able to create a betterment of the society we live in. And the objectives that will help us achieve our aim are: To (1) enhance entrepreneurial, social, leadership, communication skills, self-esteem, as well as multilingualism of youth through non-formal education; (2) help youth increase their social awareness, be tolerant towards others, be aware of the persisting social and environmental problems and help solve them; (3) educate youth workers and youth on how to join volunteering initiatives, cooperate with each other, and get employed more easily; (4) organize joint campaigns, projects and activities, where young people and youth workers can get involved in an intercultural dialogue, be a part of the decision making process, develop the spirit of volunteerism, facilitate youth cooperation and social values; (5) raise awareness about EU citizenship among young people, educate about social responsibility and work towards reducing youth unemployment; (6) organize youth seminars, exchanges, trainings for youth workers, conferences and discussions on relevant social topics, promote healthy, active, and ecologically friendly lifestyle in order to increase the well-being of youth. Inform about similar actions organized by others in Europe; (7) defend and promote human rights, universal values of tolerance, active citizenship, democracy, equal opportunities and work towards the elimination of discrimination in order to build a better-integrated society; (8) organise Erasmus+ projects and spread information about it in order to further facilitate youth development.

Temi di inclusione

Questa organizzazione è disposta a coinvolgere volontari che si trovano in situazioni che rendono la loro partecipazione alle attività più difficile, delle seguenti categorie e per diversi tipi di progetto:

  • Disabilità
  • Ostacoli economici
  • Problemi di salute
  • Questa organizzazione è titolare del marchio di qualità del Corpo europeo di solidarietà. Il marchio di qualità certifica che l'organizzazione è in grado di gestire progetti conformi ai principi e agli obiettivi del Corpo europeo di solidarietà.

Ambito di applicazione Volontariato

Ruolo Data di scadenza
Hosting 31/12/2027
Sostegno 31/12/2027

Organizzazione capofila

PIC: 898394407 OID: E10002976

Settore di attività


European identity and values

Skills development