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Accredited organisation

Vabaühenduste Liit


Telliskivi 60a, 10412, Tallinn, Estónia - +3726645077

Descrição da organização

Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations, NENO (or Vabaühenduste Liit in Estonian) is the largest Estonian organization uniting public benefit nonprofit organizations. NENO is an advocacy organization focusing on sustainable civic space, capacity building and civic awareness. As a membership organization, NENO currently (August 2020) unites 106 public benefit nonprofit organizations in Estonia from all fields, both associations and foundations. At the same time, our information network involves approximately 4000 organizations. NENO’s goals are to foster development trends and provide support to Estonian nonprofits, increase public awareness, advocate for the interests of its members and other public benefit NGOs, and improve working relationships with the public and business sectors.

Temas relacionados com a inclusão

Esta organização está disposta a incluir voluntários cuja situação dificulta a sua participação em atividades, nas seguintes categorias para diferentes tipos de projetos:

  • Obstáculos económicos
  • Dificuldades escolares
  • Refugiados

Âmbito Job

OID: E10097850