teilweise. Evangelischer Verein zur Förderung Offener Jugendarbeit im Salzburger Süden

teilweise. Evangelischer Verein zur Förderung Offener Jugendarbeit im Salzburger Süden


Leitmeritzstraße 6 Geschäft 9, 5020, Salzburg, Austria

https://teilweise.or.at - +436605844455

lýsing á stofnuninni/samtökunum

The organisation „Teilweise” is founded by members with Christian humanitarian principles who want to establish an open youth work in the district of Salzburg Süd. Our organisation works on a non-profit basis and it is officially recognized as an evangelical organisation by the Protestant Church in Austria.

The organisation was founded in October 2019, the location was rented in February 2020 and since then it has been gradually become a meeting place for children and teenagers.

We dream of a place that allows children and teenagers to have time and space for creativity, fun and get-togethers: An open youth house in the south of Salzburg.

We are motivated by the good news of him who said: “What do you want, what should I do for you?” (Jesus Christ).
We see in children, adolescents and young adults valuable and beloved people.

In the south of Salzburg an open youth house is being established under Christian sponsorship, which is being developed by and for young people in a participatory manner regardless of their social, economic, confessional and religious background.
It is based on the local needs of the young people and it offers space and time for relationship-orientated and appreciative open youth work. Potentially, a new form of Christian youth community also may arise in the area.

The main target group are teenagers (13-18 years old), beside children from 9 years and youth adults living in the neighbourhood of Salzburg Süd.

Currently, we are open three afternoons per week. Additionally, we offer different working groups such as guitar lessons, sports or learning groups. We also offer a weekly programme at the asylum center at “Flussbauhof” for children living there. In addition to this we offer activities in parks and playgrounds, and we also do holidays activities and workshops.

The volunteer shall/can support and assist our youth staff and other voluntary members in the following areas depending on the personal interests and motivation of the volunteer:
• activities for children in the asylum quarter “Flussbauhof”
• project “seitenweise” – youth library in “teilweise”
• participation in the youth club
• outreach work, activities at playgrounds/parks
• Mobile bicycle workshop “teilweise unterwegs – ganz und gar klimaaktiv“
• Workgroups: learning groups, sports groups, creative and musical activities
• Summer/holiday programme
• Workshops
• service for children and teenagers
• School cooperation
• Free time activities

The volunteer should show general interests in youth work and identify himself/herself with the vision of our organization and the Christian principles. It is important that the volunteer is able to work independently. We will ask the volunteer to tell his/her expectations and goals at the beginning of the volunteering period so that the team can help and support him/her.
A working knowledge of English and basic German skills would be an advantage.

viðfangsefni tengd samfélagslegri þátttöku

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Social obstacles
  • Educational difficulties

This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Sjálfboðastarf

Role Gildir til
OID: E10265281
Last updated on 31/05/24

Viðfangsefni stofnunarinnar/samtakanna


Community development

Skills development

Employability and entrepreneurship
