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Accredited organisation

Agenzia per la Promozione dei Giovani


Via San Bartolomeo 47, 80133, NAPOLI, Italia - +393277870665

Descripción de la organización:

APG is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established in 2008 by active young people involved in participative processes through local youth councils and experienced in European projects.

We strongly support European integration and values and we deeply believe in the power of non-formal education approaches and methodologies.

APG strives to make Italy a role model of youth participation by including young people in Youth Policy and Advocacy processes at all institutional levels. We strive to empower young people by creating opportunities for them to develop as people, as professionals, as citizens.

To work towards our vision, we focus on the following areas:
- promoting youth participation in youth policy making and implementation at local, national and international level
- internationalization of young people, fostering intercultural communication, integration and appreciation of ethnic, religious and cultural diversity, promoting european citizenship and belonging
- education and training of youth, providing them tools and competences to face the challenges in their lives, to guarantee equal rights and opportunities for all
- civic education and active citizenship, promotion of youth participation at grassroot level, support for the social commitment and volunteering to make an impact on society
- defense and promotion of civil, political, social and human rights
- promotion of non-formal education approaches and methodologies

Temas de integración

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Social obstacles
  • Refugees
  • Esta realización posee un sello de calidad del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad Europeo. El sello de calidad certifica que la organización organización puede ejecutar proyectos de conformidad con los principios y objetivos del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad.

Área Voluntariado

Función Fecha de expiración
Hosting 31/12/2027
De apoyo 31/12/2027
PIC: 948678819 OID: E10045070

Temas de la organización

Ciudadanía y participación democrática

Climate action, environment and nature protection

Human rights