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Accredited organisation

AFS Norge Internasjonal Utveksling

AFS Norway

Kolstadgata 1, 0652, Oslo, Norvegia - +47 22317900

Descrizione dell'organizzazione

AFS Norge is an independent partner in AFS International. It is a non-profit, volunteer and memeber based organiation The aim is to promote intercultural learning and understanding through youth exchange.
The main activity is a one yar school exchange for youth between 15-18 years of age. AFS Norway is the host for approximately 40 students after the pandemic (120 students pre-pandemic), and appr. 60 Norwegian youth participante in the exchange program each year.

The organization is volunteer based, and the volunteers execute most of the tasks in the organization such ans the selection process, hostfamily recruitment, being a host family for one year, local contact support person, local activities, backup and support and so forth. AFS Norway has around 400 active voluneers. The voluntees participate in regular trainings and seminars. They are also active in decision making processes in the organization. jThe volunteers are organized in 17 local chapters around the country. In addition, we also have activ volunteers in areas where there is no local chapter structure. The national board is also based on volunteer work.

  • Questa organizzazione è titolare del marchio di qualità del Corpo europeo di solidarietà. Il marchio di qualità certifica che l'organizzazione è in grado di gestire progetti conformi ai principi e agli obiettivi del Corpo europeo di solidarietà.

Ambito di applicazione Volontariato

Ruolo Data di scadenza
Sostegno 31/12/2027
OID: E10286266

Settore di attività

Preventing racism and discrimination

Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide

Promoting gender equality