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Accredited organisation



Via Primo Maggio 10, 21046, Malnate, Ιταλία - +390332426002

Περιγραφή της οργάνωσης

Il Centro srl Social Enterprise is an entity that carries out its activities in the education, welfare and health sectors with the aim of responding to the concrete needs of the area through the various services. Il Centro srl is formally born in 2019 but its experience started in 2000 with the SMS – Società di Mutuo Soccorso di Malnate, which in 2019, also due to the Third Sector Reform, decided to become a social enterprise. Over the years it has developed experience in the elderly and minors sector with the management of:
• Integrated Day Center for the elderly
• Integrated Home Care
• Private nursing service activities
• Project collaborations with the territory
• Training for sector operators in the help relationship
• Specialized minors outpatient clinic (speech therapy / psychomotor skills)
• Minor neuropsychiatry assessments
• Family counseling

The Day Center for the Elderly has twenty years of experience in the socio-welfare-educational area, has specialized over the years in assisting partially self-sufficient elderly people with senile diseases who require specific services, assistance, personal hygiene and educational activities. Assistance is guaranteed by a multifunctional team, which favors and preserves the value of their family and relational context by guaranteeing support and concrete help to families.
Making our seniors feel at home is the mission of our Day Center; valuing their autonomy and helping them in times of difficulty.
The Day Center is part of the network of social and health services for the elderly, with an intermediate function between home care and residential facilities. It is aimed at the elderly who live at home, with partial impairment of self-sufficiency and with care needs in the management of daily life.
The Day Center for the Elderly has a maximum capacity of 25 accredited and contracted guests, the service is provided from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 17.30, and offers the possibility of transporting the guest to and from neighboring cities.
The restaurant service is managed by an external company. The menus respect seasonality and are designed to offer a varied and balanced diet.
Typical day
h. 08.30 /09.30 welcome guests and breakfast
h. 09.30 / 11.00 socio-educational activities
h. 11.00 / 12.00 reorganization and preparation for lunch
h. 12.00 / 13.30 lunch
h. 13.30 / 14.30 short rest and afternoon break
h. 14.30 / 16.00 socio-educational activities
h. 16.00 / 17.00 snack and reorganization
h. 17.00 / 17.30 return to home
Il Centro srl organises several activities with children under 18.
Train school
A tailor-made workshop for children in the last year of kindergarten that favors entry to primary school, allowing them to improve, refine and train skills and competences.
Small expressive activities
Knowing how to communicate and enter into relationships with others is a fundamental skill in everyday life. This path offers tools, means and techniques that help children grow by enhancing the child's creativity, skills, self-esteem, confidence and autonomy.
Great expressive activity
It aims to promote bodily, mental, emotional and relational development. It favors the integral growth of the person and establishes positive relational dynamics. The activities, with expressive-body language, intend to give a voice to all children who, through other communication channels, may have difficulty expressing themselves adequately.
A path that can stimulate the child's interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence and development through play and movement, also offers the opportunity to grow and challenge oneself.
Psychomotricity and yoga
Why do psychomotor skills and yoga together? Yoga gives added value to psychomotor skills and allows the child to settle in and find a balance with himself and with the surrounding world by learning respect, sharing and the value of diversity.
School support service
A help to all those children who have difficulty in coping with school; we offer support for homework, for study and to strengthen self-esteem, allowing you to make the most of your potential. Providing a personalized study method that allows you to stimulate concentration, attention and restore mental and material order.

  • Ο οργανισμός αυτό διαθέτει σήμα ποιότητας του Ευρωπαϊκού Σώματος Αλληλεγγύης. Το σήμα ποιότητας πιστοποιεί ότι ο οργανισμός είναι σε θέση να εκτελεί έργα σύμφωνα με τις αρχές και τους στόχους του Ευρωπαϊκού Σώματος Αλληλεγγύης.

Πεδίο Εθελοντισμό

Ρόλος Ημερομηνία λήξης
Hosting 31/12/2027
OID: E10286606

Θεματικά αντικείμενα της οργάνωσης
