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Accredited organisation

Young Generation

ახალგაზრდა თაობა

Mtskheta, Dzegvi 36, #5, 3316, Mtskheta, Geórgia


Descrição da organização

«Young Generation» - is an Youth Non-Governmental Organization, which work for youth activities, education and their best future. Members of organization are young people (students, school pupils and etc.) and trainers, specialists who work with youth, united around the idea of promoting education and European awareness among the youth and generally among the society, supporting people, helping people with fewer opportunities in their social integration, making youth participation in public life more active and strengthening the principles of civil society and democracy. The main goals of organization are:
Integrate more and more students in trainings;
Refugees and Migrants;
Social Entrepreneurship;
Develop tolerance in youth pupils and students;
Develop European Values;
Develop active youth for their participation in regional, national and international projects, activities, youth forums – between schools, universities and etc.;
Integrate youth in workshops, international and national projects about AVP;
Develop student self-governance in universities and establish projects for students;
Youth active participation in youth exchange programs;
Youth – future of the world.
NGO Young Generation have around 100 volunteers and members. During some activities (trainings, exchange programs) young students receive new experience, share their experience.
As an experience of working in the field of youth our organization have around 9 year. Also we need to mention about experience of working in 2020-2021 - when we have new barrier - COVID-19. So, our organization also have a good experience of organizing projects during world pandemic situation and safety measures. Organization organize different projects, also Erasmus+ YE / TC projects using World Health Organizations recommendations - using social distance, face-masks and etc. In last 2 years organization have organized around 10 projects (virtual 2, other in reality) in Armenia, where all participants from Georgia and other countries use WHO's recommendations during the pandemic situation. Yes, today COVID-19 is new challenge for all of us and because of youth activities is necessary, it's mean that we need to develop skills of lifestyle with COVID-19.
President of NGO “Young Generation” graduated Sokhumi State University in Tbilisi at 2014 – faculty of MACS. From 2010 president working with other NGO-s. Since 2013 – leader of “Young Generation”. President of organization organize YE programm in Armenia, Tsakhkadzor (2014), Youth Camps in Anaklia, Georgia in 2012-2014. In December of 2014 –International Camp in Lithuania. NGO Young Generation also participate and organize YE Program « Tram Of ART » in Armenia, Aghveran – September 2015, in 2017-2018 years president of NGO and organization members organize more then 20 Erasmus+ projects (Youth Exchanges and Training Courses) in Armenia, Hungary, Greece, Ukraine. President of NGO take participate in more international and national Conferences. Two times – September 2013 and February 2014 –present NGO and Georgia on the Georgian Cultural Week in Ukriane. So organization is organizer of some national and international trainings, conferences. NGO have more partners in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Lithuania. Also president of NGO participate in some Erasmus+ programs : The X Factor, Trainings for Trainers, Tram of Art, Most European, Intercultural Dialogue and etc. President of NGO was coordinator of Youth Exchange Programm in Armenia in 2015. In 2016-2017 years president of NGO organize more then 15 Erasmus+ Youth Exchange and Training course in Armenia, Ukraine, Hungary – as a leader, trainer and participant. In 2017-2018 years president of organization coordinate more then 50 projects in Armenia, Hungary, Ukraine and Greece. Topic is – social entrepreneurship, refugees, migrants. Some about organizations skills:
Organizational skills;
Planning, scheduling skills;
Meeting Deadlines and Time Management;
Coordinating resources;
National and International project and conferences skills;
Training skills;
Project writing/hosting/coordinating skills;
People with disabled abilities - one priorities in work skills.

About skills of volunteers and other representatives of NGO - organization have vice president Irakli Ubilava, who ise in the same time IDP from Abkhazia. He have big experience with work with young people, also he is trainer. Regarding his occupation - he live in IDP-populated place - so he also have experience with work with refugees and migrants. One more representative of our organization - who responsible on international projects and youth activities - he have experience in organizational part - he have organized more than 10 youth camps, also around 20 youth conferences and debates.
Here also we will mention, that each Erasmus+ YE/TC project have responsible persons - leader and co-leader, who have their own functions and responsibilities.

  • Esta organização é titular de um Selo de Qualidade do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, que certifica que a organização tem capacidade para levar a cabo projetos em conformidade com os princípios e objetivos do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade.

Âmbito Voluntariado

Papel Data de validade
Apoio 31/12/2027
PIC: 934210008 OID: E10155363

Temas da organização

European identity and values

Quality and innovation of youth work

Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide