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Accredited organisation



7, rue Eugène Faivre, 33730, Villandraut, France - +33625888795

Lýsing á stofnuninni/samtökunum

L'association Adichats a pour objet la création et le maintien des liens sociaux.
L’histoire, les patrimoines architectural, culturel et naturel en sont les vecteurs principaux.
L’animation sociale, l’action culturelle et éducative, l’insertion et l’inclusion sociale, la formation et l’éducation populaire en sont les outils essentiels.
Nos publics, aussi variés que nos actions, découvrent, vivent, agissent, bâtissent et se reconstruisent grâce aux patrimoines.
Nous accueillons autant des enfants que des adultes, des personnes en difficultés, des familles ou des personnes seules, des enseignants ou des touristes.
Tout le monde est accueilli sans aucune considération d'origine, de religion, de race, de sexe.
Actions : chantier de restauration du patrimoine, ateliers citoyens, médiation culturelle

The purpose of the Adichats association is to create and maintain social ties.
History, architectural, cultural and natural heritage are the main vectors.
Social animation, cultural and educational action, integration and social inclusion, training and popular education are the essential tools.
Our audiences, as varied as our actions, discover, live, act, build and rebuild themselves thanks to heritage.
We welcome children as well as adults, people in difficulty, families or single people, teachers or tourists.
Everybody's welcomed without any consideration of the origin, the religion, the race, the gender.
Actions: heritage restoration site, citizen workshops, cultural mediation

  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Sjálfboðaliði

Role Gildir til
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027
OID: E10264360