volunteers across borders 2019

volunteers across borders 2019

Over Grenzen vzw

Lommel, Belgium

2 , Full

Descrizione del progetto

Over Grenzen vzw mains Across Borders Association and is an organisation that sets up projects concerning Peace- and Remembrance education for both youths and adults. It wants to connect the past and the present to promote a culture of peace and non-violence. The association uses the Youth Meeting Centre as a guest accommodation and educational centre as a ´base of operations´ for its activities. Because the YMC is situated next to the German military cemetery of Lommel, and in that way connected to the German War Grave Commission, it also supports the (youth) work and educational vision of this organisation. Across Borders Association has no economic, political or religious goals and is politically neutral. the most important activity will be the preparation and execution of new projects, like international red hand day, youth exchanges, German commemoration day Volkstrauertag, art exhibitions, create historical information brochures, etc...


Alloggio, vitto e trasporto

In our accommodation they have their own room with their own bathroom. We will create a shared living room. We also created a small kitchenet with refrigerator for their personal use. They will get the opportunity to eat with the groups, or to cook their own meals. Most of the time there are left over from the kitchen, which they can take. But they can also cook themselves. They will get a bicycle, as transportation. But they can also use the local bus transport which stops 200 meters from our house. The train station is 3 km from our house. A trainticket with 10 rides is provided.


Formazione durante il progetto

You will do an extra language course at the people’s university of Lommel. The Juleica certificate is a certificate that you can by doing a 5 day course via the German War grave commission (Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V. ). You can only do this one when your German language is okay. When you only speak English we will give you the opportunity to do a similar training course via the Belgium organisation ‘Tumult’. And you will get the opportunity to enter more international trainings we offer ourselves.


Profilo del volontario

Would be good if he/ she has a driver’s license. Age will be between 18 and 30 years old. We would like a good gender balance. So we will try to get a boy and a girl, when possible. They can come from a big city, but then they do need to know that our house is on a bit of a deserted area. We don’t ask them to have studied already. Open towards a new challenge in a different country. They need to realize that they will be away from home for a long time The volunteer is a social person, who likes to with groups of people.


Come fare domanda

Send us an email with your CV and a motivation letter.


Link correlati


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Date del progetto

Un totale di 52 settimana/e nel periodo compreso tra 01/01/2019 e 30/04/2020

Ubicazione del progetto

Dodenveldstraat, 30, 3920 Lommel Belgium

Cercasi volontari da

Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaigian, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Belgio, Bulgaria, Bielorussia, Cipro, Repubblica ceca, Germania, Danimarca, Algeria, Estonia, Egitto, Grecia, Spagna, Finlandia, Francia, Georgia

Temi dei progetti

Cultural heritage/European Year of Cultural Heritage

Creatività e cultura


Termine di presentazione delle domande

Nessuna scadenza


Name: Myriam Koonings

Phone: +32 11 55 43 70

Organizzazione di accoglienza

over grenzen vzw

Lommel, Belgio

Organizzazione di invio


MADRID, Spagna


CASCAIS, Portogallo

Organizzazione coordinatrice

over grenzen vzw

Lommel, Belgio