Stanica - train station and cultural venue in one

Stanica - train station and cultural venue in one

Žilina, Slovakia

1 , Full

Descrição do projeto

Stanica is NOT a youth centre, a school, a theatre company, a gallery. We are NOT social workers, artists, teachers,... Stanica is still functioning train station and at the same time a cultural venue which is operated by us, Truc sphérique, Slovak non-governmental organization with a French name (but nothing to do with France). We live in Žilina, town with 85.000 inhabitants in the North of Slovakia, surrounded by hills and woods. We call ourselves cultural operators or cultural workers who organize events focused on presentation of contemporary art (music, theatre, dance, film, visual art, new media). We also have an educational programme for kids (and partly adults). EVS volunteers help us with everyday operation of the cultural venue - from selling/checking tickets, distributing posters, to office work, manual work, photo/video documentation, technical preparation of the events (lights and sound) to leading educational workshops (animation, drawing, music, etc). And more


Perfil dos voluntários

We are looking for - active - flexible - initiative - independant - communicative volunteer. You don't have to have skills, but you have to be willing to learn. The diversity of activities can be very broad and you will get lot of freedom, which often means you need to decide what to do. Apart practical duties, volunteers can can develop their own activities which fits in our programme. Particular activities that we suggest: - bike fixing (we are starting our own bike repair workshop) - technical support (stage setup, lights and sound for concerts, theatre...) - gardening.


Como apresentar uma candidatura

Write us email with your CV and motivation letter where you explain why you are interested particularly in our organization, our activities. Write us how you could fit here, which of your skills could be useful for us and what activites you'd like to develop. Or what you want to learn. Or teach!


Informações adicionais

We get many applications from graduates of art schools. Yes, we are cultural venue oriented on contemporary art but if you think you will do lot of art here, you might be dissapointed. However, you will be directly involved in preparation, producation and execution of art events. We provide service for artists, we are not artists. We help them to present their work to public. You can be very creative in your EVS project with us but this is not a residency program for artists. This is a great experience for people who might start culture venue and work in the field of independant culture scene. Traduzir

Ligações úteis

website of our cultural node, with the programme and information about our activitieswebsite of our second, parallel project of conversion synagogue into gallery of contemporary artour online photo archive

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Datas do projeto

Um total de 52 semana(s) durante o período de 01/05/2016 a 30/04/2017

Localização do projeto

Závodská cesta 3/2844, 01001 Žilina Slovakia

Procuram-se voluntários de

Albânia, Arménia, Áustria, Azerbaijão, Bósnia­-Herzegovina, Bélgica, Bulgária, Bielorrússia, Chipre, República Checa, Alemanha, Dinamarca, Argélia, Estónia, Egito, Grécia, Espanha, Finlândia, França, Geórgia, Croácia, Hungria, Irlanda, Israel, Islândia, Itália, Jordânia, Líbano, Listenstaine, Lituânia, Luxemburgo, Letónia, Líbia, Marrocos, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro, Macedónia do Norte, Malta, Países Baixos, Noruega, Polónia, Palestina, Portugal, Roménia, Sérvia, Russian Federation, Suécia, Eslovénia, Eslováquia, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunísia, Turquia, Ucrânia, Reino Unido, Kosovo * UN resolution, British Antarctic Territory, Anguila, Aruba, São Bartolomeu, Bermudas, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Canary Islands, Curaçau, Ilhas Falkland, Guiana Francesa, Gronelândia, Guadalupe, Território Britânico do Oceano Índico, Ilhas Caimão, Saint Martin (french part), Martinica, Monserrate, Nova Caledónia, Polinésia Francesa, Pitcairn, Reunião, Saint Helena, Sint Maarten (dutch part), Ilhas Turcas e Caicos, French Southern and Antarctic Territories

Temas do projeto

Criatividade e cultura

Prazo de candidatura

Prazo de candidatura: 12/09/2015


Name: Dušan Dobiaš (EVS coordinator)

Phone: +421908186140

Organização de acolhimento


Žilina, Eslováquia

Organização de Coordenação


Žilina, Eslováquia