Voluntary project in Romania about outdoor, nature, sports for kids

Voluntary project in Romania about outdoor, nature, sports for kids

Association Learning Communities

Oradea, Romania

5 , Opið

Lýsing á verkefninu

We run 3 activities in Oradea: 1.Afterschool program for 6 to 12 years old kids:organise outdoor,sport activities and education for nature(Monday to Friday,6 hours daily) 2.Summer camp (in summer holiday): organise outdoor,sport activities and education for nature(Monday to Friday,6 hours daily) 3.Activities in Kindergarten Joyful Learning: organise educational activities for 2 to 5 years old kids(Monday to Friday,6 hours daily) Tasks of volunteers: - plan, prepare and organize sport and outdoor activities for young people from 2 to 12 years - plan, prepare and organize animation activities (dance, singing, playing an instrument, plastic arts, origami, painting, clay modelling, etc.) - share their experience as EVS volunteers and encourage volunteering among local young people We offer: - training, supervision, support for reflection,evaluation - an intercultural experience - chance to develop emotionally and improve your social skills - a reach life and work experience


Gisting, fæði og ferðatilhögun

Accommodation - in apartments in Oradea very close to public transportation and shopping areas Renting apartments and all utilities are covered by the Coordinating organization WIFI is available Food - volunteers receive an amount of 120 Euro/month for food at the beginning of each month Pocket money - 60 Euro/month International transport - maximum covered according to rules of Erasmus+ (Germany – 275 Euro Spain – 360 Euro) Local transport - we cover a monthly pass which allows transport with all local buses and trams. We cover medical insurance via CIGNA.


Þjálfun/nám meðan á verkefninu stendur

The trainings provided by National Agency of Erasmus+ in Romania - respectively On Arrival Training and Mid Term Evaluation Sending and Coordinating organisations - provide support and help volunteers in the Preparation phase Coordinating organisation and local partners provides: - orientation at arrival - training about how to prepare and run activities for kids 2-5years and 6-12 years - supervision, monitoring and feedback during volunteers active involvement - periodic evaluations


Eiginleikar sem óskað er eftir

Young people 18-30 years from Spain&Germany We are looking for -highly motivated and socially-minded young people willing to have a beautiful life and work experience,especially those with fewer opportunities including refugees -people curious and willing to learn to work with kids in outdoor,sport,playful and art activities (kids 2-12 years) -people who graduated pedagogy,psychology,sports willing to have a practical experience in working with kids from kindergarten and primary school -open-minded people which are willing to learn and develop -able to speak English basic to middle level


Hvernig á að sækja um

Send CV in English to us at alearningcommunities@gmail.com and we will send you the Questionnaire we need you to fill in English. We have a continuous selection process which means that every application received is analysed and after we give a fast answer to those applying.


Fleiri upplýsingar

We would like to offer this learning opportunity to those young people who face social problems, who live in rural areas, those who are unemployed, young people that are refugees or migrants, young people that face economic problems.

We appreciate young people who wants to learn and are not afraid trying new things, those who believe that a country like Romania could be interesting to live in, to meet new wonderful places and people.

This project is running for 4 years already. We believe that our project is a wonderful learning opportunity and this is also proved by our volunteers. Þýða

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Dagsetningar verkefnisins

[tala] vika(-ur) alls á tímabilinu 02/08/2018 til 12/05/2019

Staðsetning verkefnisins

Podului nr.5, Block B10, Ap.55, 410365 Oradea Romania

Leitar að sjálfboðaliðum frá

Spain, Germany

Viðfangsefni verkefnisins

Uppeldis- og kennslufræði

Promote voluntary activity in Sport

Æskulýðsmál (þátttaka, ungmennastarf, stefnumörkun)


Umsóknarfresti: 28/07/2018


Name: Mr. Marius HARDUT

Phone: +40745656100


Asociatia Learning Communities

Oradea, Romania






Kreisjugendamt Steinfurt

Steinfurt, Germany


Asociatia Learning Communities

Oradea, Romania