Spanish-Armenian Legal and Journalistic Dialogue

Spanish-Armenian Legal and Journalistic Dialogue


YEREVAN, Armenia

1 , Closed

Descrição do projeto

The Armenian Lawyer´s Association (Erevan, Armenia) mission is to promote the establishment of a sovereign, democratic, legal and social state and forming strong civil society in Armenia. The organization has branch offices in Yerevan and in 4 regions of Armenia. The main directions of the Association’s activities are: 1. Protection of human rights; 2. Fight against corruption; 2. Raising the legal awareness of the society; 3. Supporting efficient, accountable and transparent governance (e.g., through promotion of legislative reforms); 4. Advancement of legal education. Since 1996, ALA has implemented around 80 donor-funded projects on the protection of human rights (including women’s rights), legal education, legal assistance to the socially vulnerable layers of society, Civil Society Organizations capacity-building, raising the legal awareness of the population, monitoring, promotion of legislative and judicial reforms, fight against corruption...


Comparticipação nas despesas de alojamento, alimentação e transporte

Accommodation will be in a flat in the center of Erevan, capital of Armenia. Money will be given for food and transport.


Formação durante o projeto

The volunteer will have training on his/her arrival provided by the coordinator of the project. He she will have the on arrival and middle trainings provided by SALTO


Perfil dos voluntários

The volunteer should be interested in learning about dialogue between the government and Civil Society as well as international agreements, conventions and legal issues.He/she should have communication and public relations skills and be interested in organizing venues or meetings.


Como apresentar uma candidatura

Send a Curriculum Vitae and a motivation letter explaining why you are interested in this project as well as going to Armenia.


Ligações úteis


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Datas do projeto

Um total de 43 semana(s) durante o período de 18/09/2017 a 18/07/2018

Localização do projeto

7 Nalbandyan Street, Suite 2, 0010 YEREVAN Armenia

Procuram-se voluntários de


Temas do projeto

Cidadania europeia, sensibilização para as questões europeias e democracia

Justiça e Assuntos Internos (direitos humanos e Estado de direito)

Diálogo social

Prazo de candidatura

Não há data-limite para a apresentação de candidaturas


Name: Chantal Mayer

Phone: 34 607256095

Organização de acolhimento

Armenian Lawyers' Association

Yerevan, Arménia

Organização de envio

Asociación para la integración y Progreso de las Culturas Pandora

Madrid, Espanha

Organização de Coordenação

Asociación para la integración y Progreso de las Culturas Pandora

Madrid, Espanha