URGENT looking for a Polish volunteer(MALE) for Evs project in Catania

URGENT looking for a Polish volunteer(MALE) for Evs project in Catania

Arci Catania

Catania, Italy

1 , Closed

Lýsing á verkefninu

This project include 3 different areas of activities. To read all the information about the project and these areas of activities please download the complete call for volunteers from the website http://arcicatania.org/2016/09/15/call-for-an-evs-volunteer-from-poland-male-for-an-urgent-replacement/ DON'T APPLY if you don't read the entire call!


Gisting, fæði og ferðatilhögun

The volunteers will share a double room in a flat located in the centre of Catania (area of Piazza Cutelli walking distance from Arci Catania office (10 minutes). Volunteer will share a double room and a toilet with the other Estonian male volunteer. In the same flat will live other two other italian young people and will share a kitchen and a living room.


Þjálfun/nám meðan á verkefninu stendur

It will be possible to take part to italian language courses in Catania according to the level of volunteer. The volunteer will have the opportunity to participate for free to an exam for the certification of italian language level in cooperation with Perugia University since Arci Catania is decentralised centre for CELI exams.


Eiginleikar sem óskað er eftir

We would like to host volunteer who demonstrate a strong interest for the main themes of the project and main areas of activities. Previous organisational experiences in NGOs field and knowledges in the issues mentioned above will surely help the volunteers in the full integration into the project but are not essential to be selected as a volunteer. The specific motivation to take part in this project that the volunteers may express is important as its coherence with personal life experience and future plans. Practical Skills (i.e. in communication sector or culture/arts), are welcome


Hvernig á að sækja um

This is an urgent call for a replacement of an Evs volunteer If you want to apply for our project volunteers have to send their Curriculum Vitae and a specific motivation letter for the project address evs@arcicatania.org and sylwia.jedra@spw.info.pl after reading carefully the call


Fleiri upplýsingar

Before applying please read the entire text of the call
http://arcicatania.org/2016/09/15/call-for-an-evs-volunteer-from-poland-male-for-an-urgent-replacement/ Þýða

Þátttakendur með skerta möguleika

  • This organisation has additional mentoring or other support suitable for young people with social obstacles, educational difficulties, cultural differences or similar.

Skyldir tenglar

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Dagsetningar verkefnisins

[tala] vika(-ur) alls á tímabilinu 14/10/2016 til 13/08/2017

Staðsetning verkefnisins

Corso Sicilia, 97, 95131 Catania Italy

Leitar að sjálfboðaliðum frá


Viðfangsefni verkefnisins

Sköpun og menning

ESB-borgararéttur, fræðsla um ESB og lýðræði


Umsóknarfresti: 22/09/2016


Name: Sylwia Jędra

Phone: 0039058207675



