European Active Generations

European Active Generations

Casa di riposo Pietro Zangheri

Forlì, Italy

1 , Aperta

Descrizione del progetto

The European volunteer will be mainly involved in the animation program of the Nursing Home "Pietro Zangheri" based in Forlì: he/she will integrate and support the experts’ work both in the practical and content arrangement of the activities. The volunteer will be invited to propose new activities or to develop those already existing, sharing his/her experiences, background and personal interests with the staff and the elderly. He/she will also support the staff in carrying out tasks such as meal distribution, help persons with moving difficulties, conversation, walking, listening etc. and by that establishing a relationship based on trust and mutual exchange with the elderly who will benefit from the presence of young people. At the same time, the participation in this project will allow the volunteer to acquire specific competencies in the animation field, and to interact with a new culture and language; all these elements will favour his/her personal and professional growth.


Alloggio, vitto e trasporto

Accommodation: the volunteer will share a flat in the Center of Forlì with other European Volunteers of the same project. The flat is provided with kitchen, washing machine and internet. The volunteer will have his/her own single room. Food: the volunteer will receive 100 euro per month to buy his/her own food. Local Transport: as the flat is near to the rest home, the volunteers will not need local transport.


Formazione durante il progetto

The volunteer will participate to pre-departure training organized by the Sending Organisation and to trainings organised by the Italian National Agency usually at the beginning evs experience (on arrival training) and in the middle of the Service to a mid term evaluation.


Profilo del volontario

The volunteer should be very motivated to take part to the project, interested to have an intergeneration exchange with elderly, willing and friendly to know new people, new culture and another way of life. It's very important to be flexible and accommodating with changes but also ready to be patient during the very regular life style of elderly into a Rest Home.


Come fare domanda

Send an email to the coordinating organisation: and Fill the following questionaire :


Link correlati

UNISERcasa di riposo Pietro Zangheri

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Date del progetto

Un totale di 38 settimana/e nel periodo compreso tra 31/01/2018 e 31/08/2018

Ubicazione del progetto

Via Andrelini 3, 47121 Forlì Italy

Cercasi volontari da


Temi dei progetti

Salute e benessere

Stile di vita sano, invecchiamento attivo

Termine di presentazione delle domande

Termine di presentazione delle domande: 16/01/2018


Name: Cecilia Carbonari

Phone: +39 0543 551311

Organizzazione di accoglienza

Casa di Riposo Pietro Zangheri

Forlì, Italia

Organizzazione di invio


CASCAIS, Portogallo

Organizzazione coordinatrice