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Policy Dialogue with Vice-President Vera Jourova: "Media Freedom and Pluralism in the EU"

Visual of policy dialogue with Vice-President Vera Jourova @© European Union, 2023

07/02/2023 14:30

07/02/2023 16:30

[CET] Centrāleiropas laiks

Rue de la Loi, 200, 1049, Brussels, Beļģija

Follow a structured dialogue with young journalists from across the EU which took place on 7 February 2023 from 14:30 to 16:30 (Brussels time). Questions discussed included:

  • Why is media freedom and pluralism essential? 
  • The EU action to safeguard independent media and the safety of journalists
  • Strong, independent media as antidote to disinformation
  • Traditional media in digital transition

The objective of the dialogue was to have a discussion about the role of independent journalism and media in the EU, as well as its importance for our democracies. The war in Ukraine has been a reminder of the importance of the work of journalists and media.

The participating young journalists had the opportunity to share their experiences in working in the media sector, which is facing multiple challenges: digital transition and the growing role of social media platforms combined with economic challenges, disinformation campaigns as well as the worrying phenomenon of increased intimidation and harassment of media professionals. 

The dialogue also offered an opportunity for the Commission to explain the political and legislative action it has taken to safeguard independent media in the EU as well as safe working conditions for journalists. 

Did you miss the live discussion? Don't worry, you can watch the recorded version by accessing the European Commission live stream page.


Take aways from the Dialogue

  1. Involvement of the citizens. The participants raised the importance of actively encourage the participation of the public in order to ensure the freedom of the press and to support its functioning. Media literacy and education in this domain was underlined in order to help the citizens to critically assess disinformation and other potential influences, and also understand the impact of artificial intelligence on democracies.
  2. Financing of the media. The issue of public financing of the media was linked with challenges on avoiding pressure of the governments on journalists. In addition, a proposal in finding new tools and instruments to support the journalism and the press was raised. Several issues related to the media sector were raised, like the risk of media concentration, business censorship, commercial pressure or politicisation of a profession that needs to remain neutral.
  3. Pluralism & working conditions. The importance of multiple sources of information was underlined and the importance of inclusiveness, including by involving different groups of minorities and improving their access to information. In addition, the essential role of equal opportunities and decent working conditions was emphasized by the participants. The challenges raised by new forms of media and social media were discussed, and a concrete proposal to create a status for media operating on social networks was presented. 


Commissioner Věra Jourová


Pasākuma formāts Hibrīdpasākums (tiešsaistē un klātienē)
Sākas 07/02/2023 14:30
Līdz: 07/02/2023 16:30
Laika zona [CET] Centrāleiropas laiks
Organizators European Commission
Mērķauditorijas vecums 18-24; 25-30
Pasākuma valoda angļu
Pasākuma veids Diskusija
Pasākuma temati Līdzdalība un iesaistīšanās; Eiropas vērtības; Medijpratība un dezinformācija
Jaunatnes mērķi, ar kuriem pasākums saistīts ES un jauniešu saiknes veidošana; Informācija un konstruktīvs dialogs
Saistība ar konferenci par Eiropas nākotni
Paredzamais dalībnieku skaits (aplēse) 15