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European Education Summit 2022 - 'Bright Young Minds'

Promotional visual of the Education Summit @© European union, 2022

01/12/2022 09:30

01/12/2022 18:00

[CET] Centrinės Europos laikas

The Square, Mont des Arts/Kunstberg, B-1000 Brussels, Brussels, Belgija

The European Education Summit is the annual flagship event of the European education community. It is a high-level event with the participation of the Commission President, several Commissioners, more than 20 Education Ministers, representatives of the European Parliament and other European institutions as well as with key education stakeholders, discussing new developments and current challenges of education policy in the EU and the achievement of the European Education Area by 2025.

This event is hosted by EU Education Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and is a unique opportunity for the education and training community to meet, discuss the future of education and training and to develop new ideas on how to ensure quality and inclusive education in all over Europe.

This year, the Summit will have youth at its heart. It will give our ‘Bright Young Minds’ the opportunity to thrive and to contribute to the debate, alongside high-level politicians and policy-makers. Each session will involve youth representatives and give them the possibility to be embrace their role as essential partners and drivers of change in policies that strongly affect them and their future.

Among others, the following topics will be addressed: digital and green education; inclusion in schools and VET; quality investment in education; the European strategy for universities.

Exchanges with decision makers will amplify young voices in the education and training sector and foster meaningful participation.

Follow the event live via the Fifth European Education Summit: ‘Bright Young Minds’ webpage


Veiklos formatas Mišrus (tiek internetu, tiek gyvai)
Pradžios data 01/12/2022 09:30
Pabaiga 01/12/2022 18:00
Laiko juosta [CET] Centrinės Europos laikas
Rengėjas European Commission, DG EAC
Kontaktinio asmens e. pašto adresas
Tikslinė amžiaus grupė 18-24; 25-30; 31-35; Vyresni kaip 35 m.
Veiklos kalba anglų
Veiklos rūšis Konferencija
Veiklos temos Europos vertybės; Įtrauktis ir lygybė; Švietimas; Mokymosi mainai; Skaitmeninės technologijos; Moksliniai tyrimai ir inovacijos
Prieinamumas neįgaliųjų vežimėliais Nežinoma
Jaunimo tikslai, su kuriais yra susijusi ši veikla Kokybiškas užimtumas visiems; Kokybiškas mokymasis
Susijusi su Konferencija dėl Europos ateities Ne
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