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Frá 16/04/2024 12:00 Til 16/04/2024 14:00 - [EET] Eastern European Time

Kooli 5, 64504, Räpina, Estonia

Euroclass Rõpina Gümnaasiumis

Räpina ühsgümnaasiumis toimub töötuba Euroopa parlamendi valimiste ning noorte osaluse teemal.

Activity details

  • Activity format

  • With face-to-face presence
  • Activity topics

  • Democracy & elections, European values, Youth and the world, EU youth programmes
  • Language of the activity

  • eistneska
  • Skipulagt af

  • Põlvamaa Eurodesk
  • Type of activity

  • Training session
  • Booking/Registration

  • Alltaf nauðsynlegt að bóka–sjá nánar
  • Number of expected participants

  • 30
  • Sign language interpretation

  • Nei
  • Youth Goals

  • Connecting EU with Youth, Moving Rural Youth Forward, Space and Participation for All, Youth Organisations & European Programmes