Choose your role in the Model European Union
Last updated on Monday, 06/09/2021
Do you want to experience the role of a Member of the European Parliament, Minister of the EU Council, a journalist, lobbyist, photographer or interpreter? Join a simulation of the process of approving new laws in the European Union.
What is it about?
The Model European Union (MEU) is a simulation of the EU decision-making process that takes place every year in Strasbourg. Participants replicate the work of the European institutions in the European Parliament, discussing two controversial, real-life legislative proposals drafted by the European Commission.
While Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and ministers of the EU Council simulate the ordinary legislative procedure, lobbyists try to influence the two bodies. Journalists report on the development of ongoing discussions and interpreters are in charge of interpreting the debates into their native language or English.
"If you want to have a feel of what real politics are like, then you can’t miss MEUS! Nothing compares in size, professionalism… and fun! You’ll delve into a world of verbal fights, journalistic scandals, strategic thinking… but also teamwork and negotiation! Your efforts at MEUS will be rewarded with professionalizing experience and especially a long-lasted network of other EU enthusiasts. Who you’ll certainly meet again!" Agata, participated in MEUS 2018 as an MEP and recently graduated with a law degree.
Why should you participate?
Participating in MEU will not only help you gain a better understanding of the decision-making process of the European Union, but will also challenge you in multiple ways. It will assist you in developing different skills, such as public speaking, working as a team under pressure and increasing your negotiation skills.
You will also have a unique opportunity to meet young people from all over Europe and engage in a well-organised and challenging simulation.
How to apply?
Anyone from around the world can apply. You have to be between 18 and 27 years of age throughout the duration of the conference.
Applicants should be curious about the EU and its decision-making processes and be able to actively participate in the debate.
Pick one of the roles available and follow the application procedure, it's that easy!