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/ Kroatië

Woon je in Kroatië en/of heb je de nationaliteit van dat land? Dan vind je hier nog meer vrijwilligerswerk waarvoor jij in aanmerking komt, in eigen land of in het buitenland.

Deze informatie bestaat nog niet in het Nederlands.

Opportunities to study abroad


There is no information available at the moment

More information and organisations active in this field

Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education

Governmental Agency for Vocational Education and Training.

Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes

Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes is in charge of implementing Erasmus+, CEEPUS and bilateral student scholarships.

The Institute for the Development of Education

The Institute for the Development of Education contributes to the development of higher education policy, provides expert support to institutions, connects domestic and international experts and enables individuals in Croatia and the region to achieve their educational goals.

Find scholarships!

Portal with national and international scholarships.

Interesting links

Types of study programmes in Croatia

This article explains the differences between study programmes in Croatia.