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Pool of European Youth Researchers © EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership

Apply for the Pool of European Youth Researchers!

Päivitetty viimeksi Torstai, 05/10/2023

Are you a young researcher? Do you have expertise in different policy, practice and research areas connected to youth? Applications to select the new Pool of European Youth Researchers are open until 20 October 2023.


The Pool of European Youth Researchers (PEYR) is formed by 35 researchers and has been supporting the EU-Council of Europe youth partnership as a think-tank since 2010.

PEYR researchers: 

  • provide research, advice, expertise and analysis to the European Commission and the Council of Europe, but also other policy-makers, researchers and youth work practitioners, thus contributing to the development of youth policies and initiatives. 
  • support a variety of policy-processes at European or national level, such as the EU Youth Dialogue and Council of Europe Advisory Missions to member states.
  • are involved in the development and delivery of symposia, seminars, thematic workshops and knowledge translation and dissemination of research findings at relevant events.

Have a look on the Call for Expression of Interest to know more about the application and selection process. 

You can apply by 20 October, sending the complete application form, your CV and a sample of your writing to