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Looking back at the Youth Policy Dialogue with Commissioners Kubilius and Micallef

Utolsó frissítés kedd, 18/03/2025

The first Youth Policy Dialogue on EU Security and Defence was held on 4 March, in Brussels. Co-hosted by Commissioner for Defence and Space Andrius Kubilius and Commissoner for Intergenerational Fairness, Youth, Culture and Sport Glenn Micallef, it focused on the topic “Young Voices in European Defence: Fostering Intergenerational Dialogue and Understanding.”

Against the backdrop of a rapidly-evolving geopolitical and international security context, including European Commission President Ursula van der Leyen announcing a new €150 billion common defence fund, the 12 young Europeans engaged in a frank and lively discussion about EU security and defence topics with the two Commissioners. 

The participants exchanged views on wide-ranging defence and security topics including:

  • whether the EU can credibly deter armed aggression,
  • the level of EU defence preparedness,
  • whether EU citizens were willing to accept the costs and trade-offs involved with higher defence spending,
  • and the EU value-added for defence and security, supporting EU Member States in their efforts to ensure the peace, safety and stability of their citizens and societies.  

The outcomes of the Dialogue will be summarised in an upcoming report which will be available online. Insights from the event will also contribute to the Commission’s policymaking, ensuring that the views and contributions of young people are taken into account.

Youth Policy Dialogues offer young Europeans an opportunity to engage directly with European Commissioners, in this case responsible for youth and defence and security, allowing their voices to be heard and to shape EU policymaking. A second Youth Policy Dialogue on Security and Defence will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 27-28 March 2025.