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Manifesto for Youth by Youth to Shape European Cooperation Policy Manifesto for Youth by Youth to Shape European Cooperation Policy

Manifesto for Young People by Young People!

Atnaujinta Ketvirtadienis, 12/10/2023

Your chance to shape and influence European Territorial Cooperation, also known as “Interreg”.

The Manifesto for Young People by Young People to Shape the European Cooperation Policy was launched in late 2020 on the occasion of the celebration of 30 years of Interreg, the EU’s flagship territorial cooperation scheme.  This document has the ambition to support the younger European generations to influence the future European Territorial Cooperation policy-making and its project based-implementation

As displayed in the Manifesto, young people have identified five top priorities that Interreg should address:

  1. Improving young people’s skills & increase access to training opportunities

  2. Boosting employment for young people in Europe

  3. Simplification of rules and a better communication via digital tools

  4. Addressing Climate Change issues for a better future

  5. Boosting citizens’ engagement in policy-making and implementation

As young citizens deserve to express their voice but also to feel heard, 12 practical recommendations are included in the Manifesto for follow up by policy-makers at EU, national, regional and local level.

Read more and learn how to take part here.