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State of the Union 2022 - Ursula von der Leyen at the EP Plenary session © European Union 2022 - Source : EP

State of the Union outcomes

Päivitetty viimeksi Tiistai, 27/09/2022

On 14 September, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen delivered her third State of the Union address to the European Parliament, outlining flagship initiatives which the Commission plans to undertake in the coming year.

The address delivered by Ursula von der Leyen had a special focus on the war in Ukraine, present in the whole speech, outlining the European solidarity and support, and the importance of unity and working together. In the presence of the First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, the President talked about the sanctions imposed on Russia and its effects on the Russian economy. She also outlined Europe’s support to Ukraine both economically and militarily.

Many of the flagship initiatives mentioned in her address are made in response to recommendations citizens made through the Conference on the Future of Europe including:

  • Proposing to make 2023 the European Year of Skills
  • Citizens’ Panels becoming a regular feature
  • A new initiative on mental health
  • A European Convention
  • Continuing to strongly support Ukraine and its people, including by mobilising the full power of the EU’s Single Market
  • Implementing measures to support Europeans in weathering the energy crisis
  • Supporting the business environment, particularly small and medium enterprises, to strengthen Europe’s future competitiveness
  • Cutting the EU’s dependency on Russian fossil fuels, and working closely with reliable suppliers
  • Investing further in renewable energy and hydrogen in particular
  • Leading globally on climate adaptation and protecting our nature
  • Continuing to stand up for democracy, at home and across the world, and for the rule of law

Interested in knowing more? You can read the whole address here.

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