Ennek a tartalomnak jelenleg nincs Magyar nyelvű változata.

The #EUvision vlog video competition asked participants to tell us their vision for the future of Europe in less than 10 seconds.

With over 110 entries on social media, participants addressed issues like freedom of movement and security, youth unemployment, climate change, education and more.

The five winners received a 500 euro travel voucher.

Top entries

Michal Majewski

EU of the future is a place of awareness where the differences between us are seen not as a challenge but as a possibility for growing strong together.


Mariya Hristova

 The future of freedom of movement

Richard Paksi

Environmental responsibilities of leaders generation

Dominika Kitowska

 That is my vision on how we can reduce youth unemployment.

(This video was filmed in the Danish government)

Petja Peltoranta

Freedom of Movement
