Tämä verkkosisältö ei toistaiseksi ole saatavilla seuraavalla kielellä: Suomi.


By letting the community's decide how large the scale is they can absorb through a referendum or other method.Then the community is motivated to care and support can be given on basis of need.Also strict adherence to law and customs for people that moved to a new habitat, and disallow clustering on basis of ethnicity or culture.
Give people as much informations as you can about what the EU do, its history, its importance, the importance of cooperation in Europe and the love for each other's. Please, teach to the eurosceptics how much important is this Union and how it's stopped wars in Europe for so many years.
You should invest a lot in social media, because they have a huge influence on people and if you increase the number of followers, you can explain to people how the EU works and so you'll make people feeling closer to the institutions.
Siendo más ambiciosos en las soliciones que planteamos. Hay muchos pueblos abandonados, castillos y edificios que precisan de mucha mano de obra para ser restaurados, sobretodo en las zonas más deprimidas que son las que sufren menos presión. Un plan claro de cada estado/comunidad/ciudad que aporte valor (artístico, medioambiental, patrimonial, histórico...) para emplear a las personas que lo necesiten.
The European community should work together to reduce some of the high salaries and pensions that governments are taking. It should be agreed, that when entering politics and possibly government that there is a cap on politicians salaries, regardless of whether they are ministers or prime-ministers. Thus, money saved, should be made available to help large scale movements here in Europe. Regardless of arrival destination, people from other countries, especially war zones or disaster zones, should be made welcome. If someone can buy a house in London for 80 million pounds, I believe there is money to assist. Different countries develop different skills and Europe can tap into these. Reach out to language translators and interpretors so they are there at point of entry and thus help reducing a number of problems that are created by lack of understanding. Look to collaborating with the Gates Foundation to help children who travel on their own. Reach out to each country to find families that will foster these children for as long as needed.
Fight poverty by giving better jobs to people, make a political change!