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In countries where there is high youth unemployment, lots of young people feel excluded. For them, studying or working elsewhere in the EU would allow them to follow their dreams, receive the education they want and put their skills into practice. How can we help them to find the job or study course they’re looking for abroad? What do you think the EU could do to help them settle in a different environment? What can the EU do to support the regions they’ve come from – the regions that suffer from difficult economic situations?


Waking up every day under the same roof makes me feel thankful, but also courios about what if.. many things happened. Move away from that comfort zone; look for new feelings, new friends, new environment. I bet there is a spot for you in any place in the world. There are people waiting to meet someone like you out there, wherever you go, just be you! BEYOUTIFUL.. The world is too big and wonderful to know just one little corner of it.
Cultivate your professional and personal skills, languages, writing a good CV, have a good but real profile in LinkedIn, be able to use efficiently the search engines on the web and look for information your self, travel and show interest for foreign countries, be open minded. And learn, learn, learn by yourself and with the help of others. Etc. etc.
I have migrated on my own at the age 18 and kept going a few times. The hardest part is where will you be when you get there? Can you afford food? (I love the idea of a hostel for a month or so at a really good price) Finding a job can be quite challeging if young and not speaking the language. (Encourage people to employ us by maybe giving them a reward for employing someone without expirience and young)Socialising. Beyond fun night out that can be quite a challenge. (I find it to be true that volunteer work over something you are passionate about helps a ton, also special events for youth, while worling toward the same goal)When it comes to starting school in another country... it is the hardest to start in another country and find all the information, scholarships that you can apply for, find all the documents on time (some are at home while you are here, for some you did not know you even need, translations take time etc.) Maybe an office where you can come to that will give practical advice, help communicate with the goverment back home (soemtimes home wants documents before the new country can isshue them and they just do not hear you)Pratctical way would also be offer to pay for one check in suitcase (helps a lot, since you are on the budget), be assigned to someone who can help you more secifically with all of your questions (counsellor or something like it), discount with translations of the documents (it costs over 150€ for just basics, which is a lot for a student)... I hope this is uselful. It is exactly what I wished when starting over in Hungary on my own, when starting over in Malta (and now starting school here)Good day
A life free interrail pass for all young Europeans
Give opportunity to educated young people to go any where without visa. if i want to visit uk to see historical place & for that if i need a visa for go to the desire country then how we called that we llive in a global village?
Pour aider les jeunes à trouver un projet à l'étranger qui leur corresponde et qui soit une expérience riche, il faut les aider à se poser les bonnes questions:- pourquoi est-ce que je veux partir?- qu'est-ce que j'attends de cette expérience?- quelles compétences ai-je envie de développer?- comment les mettre en valeur à mon retour?- quelles sont les possibilités qui s'offrent à moi?Beaucoup de jeunes ignorent les opportunités qui leur sont proposées en Europe. Ils connaissent le programme erasmus seulement pour les étudiants. L'UE devrait communiquer beaucoup plus sur les possibilités de vivre une expérience à l'étranger : stages professionnels, échanges de jeunes, Service Volontaire Européen, Service Civique à l'international, VIE/VIA, etc...Des efforts doivent également être faits dans l'enseignement des langues. Ce n'est pas un mystère : les difficultés en langues sont l'un des plus gros freins à la mobilité. En France en particulier, mais aussi en Espagne ou en Italie, les cours de langues utilisent des méthodes archaïques. Il faut développer la pratique de l'oral à tout prix.Enfin, l'UE devrait débloquer plus de fonds pour encourager les institutions/universités/associations... qui accompagnent les jeunes dans leurs projets de mobilité.
For young people who have acquired skills that are valued in other countries (professions such as nurses, different types of engineers and others) it can be fairly easy to move and settle in another EU country. The difficulty is really there for those who didn't manage to acquire such skills, or followed a different path which is not very appreciated by the current market (arts, social sciences and others). In any case, youngsters that have a strong familiar support and have enough money to migrate, can consider that and maybe enjoy more opportunities in other countries. But youngsters from disadvantaged backgrounds would find it nearly impossible to move, unless there is someone on the other side that can help them by initially providing them with housing, guidance and other type of support. Having a "base" with a bed and a bathroom is really important. So maybe different "European Youth Houses" could be open in different countries that would be able to both provide young people with free or really affordable housing for a few months (actually, prices could be different for youth with different economic possibilities), as well as with some guidance and peer-to-peer support. Mentorship programs could also help young people that arrive to a different country or are seeking to move.