Šis turinys Lietuvių kalba kol kas neparengtas

In a recent survey, we found that 32% of young Europeans want to study, train or work in another EU country – but only 12% ever have.

How can we make it easier for more young people to move around the EU and find opportunities to work, study or volunteer? How would you encourage other young people to find out what it’s like to live in another country and get to know fellow Europeans? What ideas do you have to make working and living abroad realistic and rewarding for everyone?


Info info info. Through some workshop at universities, schools, etc you should provide info that not everyone knows about the possibility that Europe can give to you. I am working in a ngo sending people and receiving people under Erasmus plus programme and it is a surprise when I noticed that almost no one knows this kind of programs., this is just a example of many.
Language barriers are indeed a great problem. What about an EU tv/radio channel where movies and progammes in original language can be available?
The number one factor that makes going abroad seem a daunting prospect is the language barrier. If you speak the language, you automatically feel more at home. Unfortunately, the vast majority of students leave high school without feeling confident enough to have even a simple conversation in their second foreign language. And the situation is only slightly better for the first foreign language (English in most countries). The question is thus: What can we do to help more young people gain a good conversational level of their target language?One thing the Commission could do without a lot of additional cost is opening the erasmus+ Online Language Support platform for everyone. Surely nothing is lost by giving out access to an already existing website? It has already been done for refugees, why not for normal European citizens wanting to learn a foreign language? (Also, the platform should be improved. Navigating it can be frustrating, the functioning of the progress/percentage system is unclear, some exercises are not well thought through).More importantly (and of more effect): Oblige TV stations EU-wide to offer a second audio/sound track of all their programs in the original language (in addition to the respective country's language) WITH optional subtitles in both the country's language and the original language. Technologically this should not be a problem, although there might be licensing issues to be solved. You can see that in countries where TV films are never dubbed and always broadcasted in the original language like Sweden or Norway, the level of English is generally higher. Time to follow their example.
Seems like EU is a great thing but as I see the general truth behind it I feel devastated because EU do not have something that I shall call EU identity. Lots of young people are striving for work in the EU countries but rigid rules of state's labor policy make us to feel less diserable than the native one ls who are looking for job. So my question is why we need free movement/open borders/and all stuff in the treaties of EU when it is just not working. I have been living for a while in few different EU states and I see that EU is a giant bubble and states not always are ready to employe other European citizens despite how much Erasmus interships, volunteering and study experience you have.
EU must grant their transportation costs of departure&arrival.That will facilitate their adventure from the beginning and will make them feel less anxious about leaving their home because profoundly this gesture will mean an initial welcome.
Why is moving human resources is so intensely promoted?
You should eliminate the recognition of diplomas and certificates obtained in EU schools. If an high school diploma from an eh country needs to be recognized by paying a high fee than we shouldn't talk about Europe. I also suggest more job agencies for young people than the classic recruitment agencies. And most importantly I believe that agencies and eures advisers should be more precise about the language level required to work in an EU country.
Expand list of members; provide better conditions to stay in host country.
The age limit should be raised for volunteers/workers in erasmus/eu volunteer projects to at least 35, long term unemployed adults could benefit greatly by this.