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There have been many uncertainties and challenges recently. This seems to have led to a growing nationalist and anti-EU attitude in many countries.

Why are so many people being drawn towards political extremism, and what can we do to change that? What would you do to avoid young people being gripped by simplistic solutions to complex issues?


1. preservation of public and private freedoms.2-giving young people a greater participation in the formation of political parties that have a role in shaping European policy3-Aaljadded integrating immigrants into European society and take advantage of their abilities4-promote the presence of the EU in resolving the conflicts in the world by adopting a clear policy bear to see the European Union as a political force and economic in the world5-start Alambeshrma Muslim communities in Europe dialogue against the voices of extremism and distortion of Islam, the religion of peace and love6. It is to be Europe's great role in solving the Middle East issues, particularly the Palestinian issue
you seem to think you are the right ones in history. I think otherwise. So do many others as well. Why do we think so? Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. How different are the crises that the disjoint EU faces from the many of the empires that have fallen before? How highly do you think of yourself to not even consider our perspective? It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. It follows that you are either naive, stubborn or uneducated and short-sighted. How many a pro-EU and leftist-minded youth have I met to only discover them to be unread hyper-communicated idiōtēs, pretending to care about the issues outside of their gated communities.I dare any bureaucrat and self-righteous to work a dead-end job; I dare any snob, spoiled only-child or progressive to actually attempt to survive in a poorer, less well off environment; To deal with their own kind, to realize what hypocrisy, what moral relativism do they themselves go through in justifying themselves.And if you read any of this with disgust, a sense of self-righteousness, then this is for you - where there is truth, there is doubt. And you don't seem so doubtful about your beliefs.
It's important that people with extreme opinions are exposed to the difference they dislike so they will realise the similarities and the richness diversity brings to all our lives. This could include intercultural meet-ups. For those sentenced for offences related to extremism they should have to work with groups they have committed a hate crime against (like a 'meet the victim' initiative) as part of community service.
Easy, end freedom of movement. Actually the EU is the extreme as you go after this meaningless ideal that doesn't count for anything in real life. Voting for patriotic parties is not extreme, it's sense. Merkel is extreme.
The media have a big role to play indeed in deconstructing extremist ideologies but I guess that when people are not happy neither with right or left parties it's always easier to be attracted by extreme ideas or parties that never had a chance to govern. It's very dangerous though because a lot of people are not informed enough and vote for extremists by default and because they feel some distrust towards the EU. That's what happen with the UK.People and especially young people need to be more involved in decision-making and need to feel that their opinion is really taken into account. It's a circle, you need to "restore" trust in the EU. The EU and more specifically the Commission needs to find a right balance between citizens' interests and lobbies interests. Globalisation creates winners but also a lot of losers...For example, when you see the ex-Commission president Barroso now working for the bank Goldman Sachs, it doesn't help...
The ideas proposed so far seem excellent to me. In my opinion, what also needs to be done is to start seriously deconstructing extremist ideologies and prejudices in the mass media. I don't think this has been done at the desirable scale. The media have, unfortunately, even contributed to strengthen right-wing extremism on many occasions. One example is the bad practice of laying out news about crime in a way in which the nationality, "race" or ethnicity of an individual is presented as a cause.
It might sound like a cliche but it's essential that we engage everyone especially the youth minorities who somewhat feel disengaged and excluded. The extremist sell fear and a false sense of solution to these vulnerable people. They aren't trying to help them but only use them in their crazy motives and goals. The same with the native population in the west who feel somewhat angered these days. That's why they join right winged Groups who also sell them fear and no solution. We need to engage all of them on a common platform so they feel like being part of the solution and society.
Young people often have a legitimate desire to contribute to the transformation of society, arising from a growing awareness of the injustices, inequality and prejudices that exist. When due consideration is not given to this arising awareness in young people, and the implications it raises for education and society, then simplistic solutions, which often present an opportunity to take action, can become attractive.These challenges in society call us to reflect on prevalent assumptions about what it means to be a youth, and to examine our approach to the education of this age group. To what extent do we truly regard young people as having a meaningful contribution to make to the transformation of society? What happens when we assume that adolescence must be a period of turmoil rather than a time of a growing consciousness and emergence of new abilities in young people?We must also ask ourselves if it’s possible to address these issues without accepting the fundamental oneness of humankind? What are the implications of accepting this oneness of humankind? One of the many aspects that merits serious consideration in terms of education is developing the capacities for meaningful service to our communities. It is through meaningful service that we may find a legitimate expression of the desire to contribute to transformation – enabling all to play a role in building the society we would wish for future generations.