Tämä verkkosisältö ei toistaiseksi ole saatavilla seuraavalla kielellä: Suomi.


I think that EU should promote peace an stability outside the EU but without being to strong, I mean each country, each continent is different and imposing a model without taking into account the cultural backround of the people is not a good thing. The EU should offer its help and support initiative of peace showing to other continent what model do we have and let them acting.
Countries should come together and create common advantages for them. European Union has provided peace in europe for a long time, other counties should do something like the EU too.
Put borders so you can have more surveilance about who's entering in each state.IS is already a real danger for Europe.
To help developing countries;to build and toprovide only peacemaking policy.
Increase the number of opportunities for volunteering outside the EU for EU citizens in fields such as education, social/charity and civil rights.
We live together, in Europe or outside, so let's sing, dance and play. The music is endless and our children are precious. Let's teach them the song of love and peace. Let's start from the begining . . .
Don't mingle in foreign affairs, look to Europeans instead.