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Young generation, not grow up in war times. For them values like positive or negative freedom is so natural. They see politics and politician only from bad side, when they argue in parliaments...made fake promises and do not interest about own constituency after election. They have enough put believe in peoples from elites and for elites. Young peoples see politics as a from of establishment which securing only they own interest or interest of their party. EU is example for them. They not voting against them, but it is not something which they want. They let to choose for older generation which want to back to old time, theirs own 'Paradise' when everything were better and cheaper. Young generation need to find new example to follow, new young politics.
El plano político actual se ve dominado por partidos políticos muy polarizados por causa de una herencia ideológica propia de la guerra fría. No hay instituciones gubernamentales dedicadas a la formación juvenil fuera de lo académico que se preocupen por organizar a la juventud de los países. No existen movimientos juveniles orientados a la participación política. Lo ideal sería crear un ministerio juvenil masivo con la suficiente fuerza para poder ejercer una activa participación en asuntos políticos. Los gobiernos han de incentivar a los jóvenes a agruparse y estos ejercerán labores del tipo administrativo, político, social y académico. Estos podrán estar actuando en diferentes estructuras de lo público, creando una red que alcance todos los ámbitos de interés del país y facilitando procesos que requieren la colaboración de diversos agentes. Lo esencial sería el hecho de trasladar más fácil el poder del aparato público hacia las esferas sociales, a través de las relaciones juveniles reduciendo la burocracia. Es muy importante advertir que es necesario evitar arraigos en la administración para no convertir la estructura en un mero objeto de aprovechamiento propio. Se puede evitar rotando a los actores juveniles de las esferas administrativas a las sociales y viceversa. Con una inserción efectiva a labores sociales y público-administrativas la juventud tendrá un motivo real para participar en los procesos de elección política dejando de lado el ámbito dañino de las ideologías polarizadas.
Because young people wants to live instead of worrying about not important matters. We are the people who wants to live in freedom. We just want our government to make the situation stable economically, to be safe, to be ourselves. We dont want every aspects of our lives to be regulated. Let us to live instead of worring about political situation, our freedom all the time. Politicians sould remain in shadow. Be for people somwhere there, not everywhre. Not screaming in media, having annoying and populistic conversations. Let us to take care about our lives.
Being European makes me feel so proud, but sometimes I don't understand the decisions that are being made in the UE Institutions. I'm shocked by the ban of teeth whitening strips by the EU, and not only that, the right shape of banana. Is this all just serious? I am not surprised by the fact of people hating the EU, even though I love the idea, there's too much bureaucracy. People can't stand that. We should invest more in bringing people in Europe together. Especially the young ones, they don't feel like Family. More money on Erasmus+.
Because, just as the general public does, young people don't really believe in the importance of their vote in European Elections. If they felt their political will had any affect on European politics, they would without a doubt vote in major numbers. If only the EC's president was on the ballots...
I think young people do not vote in elections because they do not care about politics its for them to comnplicated and more for older people. I think that we can only change that with the education system! Why doesnt the European Union make a democracy agenda. That they use money from the European Union to go to schools and talk with the students about democracy/politic how does the system work, what for parties are there in the diffrent parliaments! And then I want to say here in Germany sometimes i think the parties doesnt want that young people go vote because the older generation votes more for the major parties!
EU institutions feel "far away". Here in Spain most parties make a great effort to remark what they do right and others wrong at national and regional level, we are not exposed to that level of information about what is done in Europe. In short, EU has a serious marketing issue (don't hesitate to invest some of our tax money on a few TV commercials, so people learn what you do for jobs, environment, industry, science, power, transport, eliminating roaming charges...). Opposition may react and we will have debate and interest on European policies
In the UK, many young people don't understand politics. They also feel that their voice won't be heard and that the status quo is more likely. If there were mandatory lessons (EU wide) in schools that explained political systems on the national and EU level, I believe turnout would be higher. These lessons should be compulsory until 16 and should have equal importance alongside subjects, such as maths. Therefore increasing in difficulty as the years go by.
I think most of the people in my country don't vote for european election because they don't see the interest. EU seems something far from the people who are living there. In addition in my country, France, these election are not very known. There is no big public debate about it. Some people also don't trust anymore the politicians because they feel they are too far from the reality. To sum up: no interest, not enough know, lack of trust, too far.
I'm a bit tired of all the lame excuses I hear and read. The sad truth is: a lot of young people simply don't care. I know smart and educated people who didn't vote in the last election in my country, becuase they "forgot about it" or "were too lazy to leave the house". These comments alone show that we have a real problem. I do have the hope, however, that recent political outcomes will change at least some young people's minds about the importance of voting. Because it's true: Every vote counts.