European Youth Week

European Youth Week is a celebration of young people across Europe, and the many different ways in which they get involved in their communities at local, regional, national and even international levels.


Hundreds of events will take place in the 33 countries that take part in the European Union's Youth in Action Programme, ranging from film festivals and flashmobs to concerts and street parties.


To find out what is planned near you, visit the European Youth Week website and its calendar of events (click on the buttons on the right of this page.) Most of the events will happen during European Youth Week itself from 26th May to the 2nd of June, but there will be some events taking place before and after that week. Some countries are still planning their events, so check the calendar regularly for any new ones that get added.


Some of the events from Brussels will also be streamed live over the Internet, including awards ceremonies and debates, so look out for these in the online calendar and tune in.


You can also check out what is going on via the European Youth Week Facebook pages (see below) and find out what people are saying about the Week via the Twitter and Instagram feeds (also below.) Join in you yourself through "#youthweek"!

