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European Solidarity Corps

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YouthCenter in Silla (Valencia) - LAST MINUTE OPPORTUNITY

AC Amics de la Biblioteca de la Fonteta

Ajuntament de Silla - Espai Jove

Silla, İspanya


We had a cancellation in the last days, so we have extra more vacancies... Activities in the morning consist of supporting the group of youth who attend the youth-workers and animators training in our city. Regular activities about youthwork, games, English Language lessons support, etc. Activities 2 afternoons consist of support to the YouthCenter in the cooking workshops or the computer-games workshops or Theatre workshops with the local youth and kids. It's a very flexible and adaptable placement. You will enjoy it!

Konaklama, yemek ve yol ayarlamaları

Shared apartament with individual room. Lump sum per month for food. No transport needed to participate in the activities.

Training during the activity

On arrival training and mid-term evaluation. Language (Spanish) lessons and also OLS.

Participant profile

We need people with initiative and willing to get in contact with the local people. Main communication language will be Spanish, so it's better if you already speak a bit (or you are willing to learn fast). This opportunity is up to 12 months (but it could be also less... minimum 8)

Activity dates

A total of 52 week(s) during the period 01/04/2023 to 30/06/2024

Activity location

Silla, İspanya

Individual volunteering

Looking for participants from

Avusturya, Belçika, Bulgaristan, Kıbrıs, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Almanya, Danimarka, Estonya, Yunanistan, Finlandiya, Fransa, Hırvatistan, Macaristan, İrlanda, İzlanda, İtalya, Litvanya, Letonya, Malta, Hollanda, Norveç, Polonya, Portekiz, Romanya, İsveç, Slovakya, Türkiye

Activity topics

Citizenship and democratic participation

Health and wellbeing

Deadline for applications

No application deadline