Senigallia (AN), Italia
Undicesimaora Onlus is a social cooperative founded in Senigallia (Marche Region) in December 2011, as a result of the collaboration with the Fondazione Caritas Senigallia Onlus, that we also collaborate with. The aim of Undicesimaora is to improve the quality of life of people experiencing hardship and poverty, through the creation of temporary workplaces, training and guiding to social reintegration. The activities at Undicesimaora will be at the SOLIDARITY GARDEN & at the solidarity warehouse RIKREA. At the SOLIDARITY GARDEN the volunteers will take care of: - PLANTING and WATERING - HARVESTING - SORTING - DELIVERY At RIKREA the volunteers will take care of: - Clothing and food distribution and accommodation activities; - Sorting, checking and cleaning activities of the items placed in the warehouse (furniture, children's toys, etc); - activities of dismantling and assembling furniture, delivery and collection from the homes of private individuals.
Cazare, hrană și transport
The accommodation is rented by the Supporting (Coordinating) Organisation in proximity of the city centre. The volunteer will be accommodated in double room divided by gender. The flat will be shared with the other volunteers and has all the needed facilities. Transport is not needed. To easily reach the beach we recommend using the bicycle
Profilul participantului
We are open to involve any kind of participants regardless of their origins, culture, education, language, sexual orientation and beliefs. We work inclusively and we would like to give the opportunity to everybody who is motivated and interested in the objectives and activities of the project. The volunteers will be involved in all the phases of our work, from the planning of the activities, to the implementation and evaluation. Therefore, we would like to host volunteers that enjoy doing activities with people in cooperation with others. the ideal profile of volunteer is an active candidate
Datele activității
De la 01/04/2025 până la 30/09/2025
Locul activității
Senigallia (AN), Italia
Voluntariat individual
Se caută participanți din
Austria, Belgia, Bulgaria, Cipru, Republica Cehă, Germania, Danemarca, Estonia, Grecia, Spania, Finlanda, Franța, Croația, Ungaria, Irlanda, Lituania, Luxemburg, Letonia, Malta, Țările de Jos, Polonia, Portugalia, România, Suedia, Slovenia, Slovacia
Temele activității
Social challenges
Environment and natural protection
Creativity and culture
Data-limită pentru înscriere
Termenul-limită pentru înscriere: 02/02/2025 23:59