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Corpul european de solidaritate

Împreună suntem puternici

Eurobackyard 7

Fundacja Wiatrak

Fundacja "Wiatrak" (Foundation "Windmill")

Bydgoszcz, Polonia


At the project will take part 10 short-term volunteers from 5 different countries (2 par Germany, Spain, Portugal, Hungary and Italy. Eurobackyards project takes place in the playgrounds of our part of the city Bydgoszcz (Fordon) and is essentially aimed at bringing joy to children in the summer. The volunteers, supported by other facilitators, will organize games orientated to children, to make the first contact with people from abroad and to encourage them to spend time outdoors. During all these meetings volunteers will also promote EVS and, mostly important, the volunteering itself. At the end they will prepare a film and presentation, showing how the volunteers present their culture.

Cazare, hrană și transport

Accommodation is fully provided by our organization. It is a very cozy place where we currently host long and short term volunteers for more than 7 years. The best conditions for development and all equipment is provided. Every volunteer will receive his/her own budget (money for food and pocket money). We are to reimburse the travel cost per each volunteer up to the limits of Erasmus+ Guide, as follows: - for a volunteer from Portugal and Spain - 360 EUR; - for volunteer from Hungary, Italy and Germany - 360 EUR. We provide also local transport tickets.

Formare pe durata activității

We are to organize an On-arrival training for all short-term volunteers, first 2 days from the project.

Profilul participantului

People between 17 and 30 years old who enjoy working with children, presenting their culture and living in the international atmosphere. Open-minded people with experience are very welcome, but also people that are ready to gain the best experience in their live, volunteering abroad in a very friendly, atmosphere. People who want to spend great moment and to have an amazing short-term EVS project.

Datele activității

De la 20/07/2017 până la 05/09/2017

Locul activității

7, Bołtucia Street, Bydgoszcz, Polonia

Voluntariat individual

Se caută participanți din

Germania, Spania, Ungaria, Italia, Portugalia

Temele activității

Data-limită pentru înscriere

Termenul-limită pentru înscriere: 19/07/2017 23:59