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Europos solidarumo korpusas


Nature Protectors

Canakkale Koza Genclik Dernegi

Canakkale, Turkija


The aim of the project is to promote the exchange of cultural and ethical experiences of young people from different countries, giving them the opportunity to get acquainted with each other's lifestyles, differences, behaviours in their country, and public views. In this way, we aim to promote a clean, garbage-free environment. The program will be implemented in three stages. In the first part of the program, it is planned to select the places of Çanakkale city, where there is relatively much traffic during the day (forests, parks, beaches), and until noon the accumulation of garbage is visible. It is planned to clean those areas by volunteers. Crowded areas will be chosen, as the core idea of the program is that by cleaning the area, they also involve local residents, which allow residents to gain a sense of responsibility for their surroundings, they will be taking more of their area.

Apgyvendinimas, maitinimas ir transportas

Volunteers will be accommodated in a pension or a house, which will be close to the organization office, max.10 minutes on foot. If there will be more than one volunteer, they will share a flat/house. They will use the bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom together. Volunteers will have their food money so they will have a chance to cook their own food and learn how to cook Turkish meals. Some activities would be a little far from the city center; in that case, they will have bus tickets or other transportation opportunities.

Mokymas veiklos laikotarpiu

Volunteers will be supported through all the stages. Before the mobility they will be informed if NA offers a pre departure training and if not the sending organization will provide a training for the volunteers selected and when the mobility starts volunteers will be invited in mid-term and on arrival trainings.

Dalyvio profilis

We are looking for: youngsters between the age of 18 to 30 - able to at least communicate in English -interested in youth politics, art & culture and youth information -open minded,creative, self-reliant and responsible -ready to work with the disadvantaged group of children and youth -ready to travel and participate in outdoor activities - motivated to work with disadvantaged groups (children, disabilities and young people)


A total of 26 week(s) during the period 20/01/2023 to 31/08/2023


Canakkale, Turkija

Individuali savanoriška veikla

Ieškoma dalyvių iš

British Antarctic Territory, Angilija, Albanija, Armėnija, Austrija, Aruba, Azerbaidžanas, Bosnija ir Hercegovina, Belgija, Bulgarija, Sen Bartelemi, Bermuda, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Baltarusija, Canary Islands, Kiurasao, Kipras, Čekija, Vokietija, Danija, Alžyras, Estija, Egiptas, Graikija, Ispanija, Suomija, Folklandas, Prancūzija, Gruzija, Prancūzijos Gviana, Grenlandija, Gvadelupa, Kroatija, Vengrija, Airija, Izraelis, Indijos Vandenyno Britų Sritis, Islandija, Italija, Jordanija, Kaimanai, Libanas, Lichtenšteinas, Lietuva, Liuksemburgas, Latvija, Libija, Marokas, Moldova (Republic of), Juodkalnija, Saint Martin (french part), Šiaurės Makedonija, Martinika, Montseratas, Malta, Naujoji Kaledonija, Nyderlandai, Norvegija, Prancūzijos Polinezija, Lenkija, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Palestina, Portugalija, Reunjonas (RE1), Rumunija, Serbija, Russian Federation, Švedija, Saint Helena, Slovėnija, Slovakija, Syrian Arab Republic, Terksas ir Kaikosas, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Tunisas, Turkija, Ukraina, Jungtinė Karalystė, Virgin Islands (British), Volisas ir Futūna, Kosovo * UN resolution

Veiklos temos

Environment and natural protection

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