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Volunteering at Houens Odde International Scout Centre


KFUM-spejderne i Danmark/Houens Odde International Scout Centre

Kolding, Danemarca


Houens Odde Scout Centre is a conference center run by a staff of permanent employees and by a staff of Danish and foreign volunteers . Therefore volunteers at Houens Odde Spejdercenter will be a part of the staff mixed between a permanent staff and Danish/foreign volunteers. This staff takes care of the daily work at the centre. The centre also has a staff off around 120 Danish voluntary scouts from all scout organizations in Denmark. The staff, called Houmen, are taking care of the scout events that take place at the centre during the year: The work at the centre is coordinated in a cooperation between the ESC coordinator at the centre and the volunteers. The jobs are mainly practical outdoor jobs concentrated on running the centre. The jobs are not more practical than everybody can do it. There is also time for participating in scout summer camp as staff member. There is also time for a personal project period with focus on the topics: Inclusion/diversity and green policies.

Cazare, hrană și transport

The volunteers share an apartment at the centre. There are rooms for 6 volunteers. Each volunteer have their own room, and share the kitchen, living room, washing machine etc. The ESC volunteers will be living together with 2 Danish volunteers, and 1 non-European volunteer. It is not necessary to be a scout to volunteer at the centre. The centre pays for the apartment and for the food. The volunteers have 2 cars they can use for work and in their free time. It is also possible to take busses, but the centre is situated on the countryside, so the busses do not go that often.

Formare pe durata activității

The volunteers will receive personal training in all the tasks at the centre. The volunteers will also participate in on-arrival and mid-term training organized by the National Agency.

Profilul participantului

The volunteer must be in interested in practical outdoor jobs, kithcen work, cleaning jobs, activity instructor. It is not a must to have experience in the jobs, since you can learn it, but you must be interested in learning. Being a scout is not a must. It is a good idea to have a driver's license, since many jobs require a car or a tractor. Good English skills is a must. You need to be between 18-28 and being interested in living in an international atmosphere respecting others religion, values and social issues.

Datele activității

De la 01/08/2023 până la 31/07/2024

Locul activității

Houens Ode 14-20, Kolding, Danemarca

Voluntariat individual

Se caută participanți din

British Antarctic Territory, Anguilla, Austria, Aruba, Bosnia și Herțegovina, Belgia, Bulgaria, Saint-Barthélemy, Bermuda, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Belarus, Canary Islands, Curaçao, Republica Cehă, Germania, Danemarca, Estonia, Grecia, Spania, Finlanda, Insulele Falkland, Franța, Georgia, Guyana Franceză, Groenlanda, Guadelupa, Croația, Ungaria, Irlanda, Teritoriul Britanic din Oceanul Indian, Islanda, Italia, Insulele Cayman, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburg, Letonia, Libia, Moldova (Republic of), Muntenegru, Saint Martin (french part), Macedonia de Nord, Martinica, Montserrat, Malta, Noua Caledonie, Țările de Jos, Norvegia, Polinezia Franceză, Polonia, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Portugalia, Réunion, România, Serbia, Russian Federation, Suedia, Saint Helena, Slovenia, Slovacia, Syrian Arab Republic, Insulele Turks și Caicos, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Ucraina, Regatul Unit, Virgin Islands (British), Wallis și Futuna, Kosovo * UN resolution

Temele activității

Environment and natural protection

Physical education and sport

Data-limită pentru înscriere

Termenul-limită pentru înscriere: 01/12/2022 23:59