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Europos solidarumo korpusas


R.E.A.L - Rejoin Environmental Actions for Legacy


Association AVRIL

Saint-Pierre-de-Coutances, Prancūzija


1 spot available ! We offer a volunteering for 4 volunteers from mid September to mid November 2023 in the city of Coutances, in Normandy, France. The volunteers will have the possibility to participate in the AVRIL organisation’s activities which are about environmental education and sustainable development. The volunteers will discover the nature in Normandy and the management of a natural zone reserve like the seaside. The missions are to : work on the seaside (can be physically hard), sensitize to Environment, Climate change and eco-citizenship, raise awareness about international mobility and interculturality, promote the ESC Experience, realize a personal project liked to the activity of the organisation. Info pack : To be considered for the volunteering, please fill this form :

Apgyvendinimas, maitinimas ir transportas

The volunteers will receive the money for the food and cook themselves in the kitchen of the flat, 10 euros per day for the food and 7 euros per day as pocket money. The volunteers will live all together in a house with garden, close to the City and the stop for the bus that can bring you at the organisation. There are two double rooms, and a shared twin bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. The volunteers will have an electrical bike to move inside the city and from the house to the place of volunteering.

Mokymas veiklos laikotarpiu

The volunteers will receive different training linked to the work in natural areas and to education in environment and sustainable development. They will also have access to French classes, included in the working time, each week.

Dalyvio profilis

We are looking for motivated people, between 18 and 30 years old who want to live an experience linked with nature in France. We are not asking for a good level in languages, only some basis in English. This offer is opened to young people who want to live a first short experience to discover the volunteering; even if it's the first time they are travelling abroad. Youngsters with less opportunities welcomed. Don't hesitate to send your application before the deadline, as we will start the visios before it.


Nuo 14/09/2023 iki 11/11/2023


Le Viquet, Saint-Pierre-de-Coutances, Prancūzija

Individuali savanoriška veikla

Ieškoma dalyvių iš

Austrija, Belgija, Bulgarija, Kipras, Čekija, Vokietija, Danija, Estija, Graikija, Ispanija, Suomija, Kroatija, Vengrija, Airija, Italija, Lietuva, Liuksemburgas, Latvija, Malta, Nyderlandai, Lenkija, Portugalija, Rumunija, Švedija, Slovėnija, Slovakija

Veiklos temos

Citizenship and democratic participation

Environment and natural protection

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