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Corpul european de solidaritate

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Volunteer in Tallinn Kristiine Youth Centre (11-months)


Kristiine Youth Centre (Kristiine noortekeskus)

Tallinn, Estonia


Continuous Action NGO is searching 1 volunteer for Tallinn Kristiine Youth Centre for period October 2023-August 2024 (11 months). Kristiine Youth Centre is welcoming youth from 7–26 years of age in order to provide a wide range of educational and recreational processes that develop young people in various ways. In Kristiine youth centre youth have the opportunity to communicate, play different popular games, acquire useful information, to do their homework and get help and advice from youth workers. During the volunteering activity, the participant will help the youth workers in their day-to-day work, but she/he would also lead an international movie club activities, which is an initiative what was started by volunteers and is now passed on to every international volunteer the youth centre has hosted.

Cazare, hrană și transport

Accommodation and local transport: Volunteer is living in a shared household (sharing the living space with other volunteers). There might be a need for a volunteer to share a room with another volunteer! The local transport is organised. International transport: The travel grant depends on a travelled distance and can be 275€ / 360€ or 530€ for round tickets. Visa costs and other exceptional cost are covered up to real costs based on justification (if needed and applicable). Volunteer receives pocket money 4€/per day.

Formare pe durata activității

Volunteer is attending at on-arrival training and mid-term training organised by Estonian National Agency. In addition volunteer is supported before mobility by support organisation in her/his home country and will also take part in local orientation in host organisation.

Profilul participantului

Volunteer with a level of English language ability, interest and willingness to work in this field. Openness to integrate into new culture. No extra experience required, but having it is an advantage.

Datele activității

De la 01/10/2023 până la 31/08/2024

Locul activității

Tallinn, Estonia

Voluntariat individual

Se caută participanți din

Armenia, Austria, Belgia, Bulgaria, Cipru, Republica Cehă, Germania, Danemarca, Estonia, Grecia, Spania, Finlanda, Franța, Georgia, Croația, Ungaria, Irlanda, Italia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburg, Letonia, Muntenegru, Macedonia de Nord, Malta, Țările de Jos, Norvegia, Polonia, Portugalia, România, Suedia, Slovenia, Slovacia, Ucraina

Temele activității

Education and training

Data-limită pentru înscriere

Nu există termen-limită pentru trimiterea cererii