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Intercultural and awareness activities in a middle school in France

Centre Régional Information Jeunesse Grand Est

Collège Joliot-Curie

REIMS, Frankrig


The volunteer will have activities to support and assist teachers and staff (preparation of materials, co-teaching, leading a language club, etc.) on the various educational pathways offered to students during their time at Joliot Curie College (citizenship, future, cultural, and health pathways). They will participate in regular subject-specific meetings and the weekly coordination meeting involving all teachers. The activities will be centered around three main axes: - Language and intercultural activities (host a language workshop, create a newsletter, support pupils to prepare their language exams, ...) - Sustainable development awareness (actions about sustainable development and ecoly, biology field trips, ...) - Educational and citizen activities (accompagny field trips, host workshop about bullying awarenss, ...) If you think that it could be the perfect mission for you, please fill the following form:

Logi, mad og transport

The volunteer will share an apartment near the middle school with an ESC volunteer from another organization. She/he will receive money for food, transport and pocket money. The transport from home country to France is also refunded by the program.

Oplæring under aktiviteten

During the mission of the volunteer there will be 2 training formations. The first one is called the “Welcome training” which is held for 4-5 days in one city of France (not decided yet). And the second which is called “Midterm training” which duration is 3-4 days in another city in the middle of the volunteering period.

Deltagerens profil

Are you the perfect volunteer ? - You are interested in education and/or in non-formal educative activities. - You are able to take initiative and communicate easily with teenangers. - You have basic knowledge in French and you can easily speak in English. If you correspond to this profile, take your chance and apply !

Datoer for aktiviteter

Fra 16/09/2024 til 28/06/2025

Steder for aktiviteter

REIMS, Frankrig

Individuelt frivilligt arbejde

Leder efter deltagere fra

Østrig, Belgien, Bulgarien, Cypern, Tjekkiet, Tyskland, Danmark, Estland, Grækenland, Spanien, Finland, Frankrig, Kroatien, Ungarn, Irland, Italien, Luxembourg, Letland, Malta, Nederlandene, Polen, Portugal, Rumænien, Sverige, Slovenien, Slovakiet

Emner for aktiviteten

Education and training

Creativity and culture


Ansøgningsfrist: 31/08/2024 23:59