Volunteering in City Public Library in Gdynia
Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Gdyni
City Public Library in Gdynia
Gdynia, Polonia
The aim of the library is to meet cultural needs of the society and to promote reading in various ways. Another role is to promote cultural activities and enable all members of local society to participate in them. Volunteers will work with the local community in one branch of the City Public Library in Gdynia, helping the librarians with typical librarian tasks and supporting the organization at cultural activities. We are searching for a volunteer who would join one of the branches of City Public Library in Gdynia. If you are interested in applying for a vacancy in the library fill application available here: https://cwm.org.pl/wolontariat-miedzynarodowy/544
Cazare, hrană și transport
Volunteer will be provided: - with the pocket money, - accommodation in a room with a maximum number of 3 inhabitants, in one of the rented flats, - with monthly ticket for buses in Gdynia.
Formare pe durata activității
Volunteer is obliged to attend On-arrival Training and Mid-term Training organized by National Agency as well as trainings provided by the supporting organization.
Profilul participantului
We are looking for a volunteer who will be communicative and open for new experiences, creative and inventive. It is welcome if the volunteer has basic English language skills and is willing to study Polish. The volunteer should be interested in methods of active education, open for people from other countries and cultures and willing to co-operate and work in group. S/he should be open-minded. We are searching for young people, who would contribute to the actions taken by the library and would like to develop his/her personality.
Datele activității
De la 13/05/2024 până la 12/05/2025
Locul activității
Gdynia, Polonia
Voluntariat individual
Se caută participanți din
Austria, Belgia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Cipru, Republica Cehă, Germania, Danemarca, Estonia, Grecia, Spania, Finlanda, Franța, Georgia, Croația, Ungaria, Irlanda, Islanda, Italia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburg, Letonia, Malta, Țările de Jos, Portugalia, România, Suedia, Slovenia, Slovacia, Ucraina
Temele activității
Social challenges
Education and training
Creativity and culture
Data-limită pentru înscriere
Termenul-limită pentru înscriere: 24/03/2024 23:59