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Eiropas Solidaritātes korpuss

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Different Cultures on the same Wavelength - ESC XXII.

KULTURÁLIS ÉLETÉRT Közhasznú Egyesület

Kulturális Életért Közhasznú Egyesület

Nyíregyháza, Ungārija


The aim of the project is that the volunteers take an active part in the editing and broadcasting of the Mustár FM (89.6) local civilian radio, working in a team (brainstorming, collecting information, editing, technical tasks, etc) and they have the opportunity to make their own regular radio program which presents the culture and language of the country they come from in their own language. Besides they have to record and edit 6 programs which are in English. They will also have a task, namely to provide language club lessons to the residents of the town in their own languages and to take part in the everyday life of our organization which also manages a youth house. The volunteers have to take part and organize events for local and international young people.

Dzīvošana, ēdināšana un transports

Our organization rents flats for the ESC volunteers which are 10-15 minutes away by foot to Mustárház (the venue of their activities). Everyone has his/her private room and the volunteers share the kitchen and the bathroom. The volunteers will receive a monthly allowance for their food and pocket money.

Mācības pasākuma laikā

The on-arrival and mid-term meetings will be organized by the Hungarian National Agency. Training and workshops will be organized by the hosting organization.

Dalībnieka profils

We are looking for a motivated volunteer who would like to work in radio, record and edit programs in English and in their mother-tongue; provide free language club lessons to the residents of the city; carry out different events and activities in the youth common space, which is called Mustárház. Experience in working on the radio is not a must! English B1 is recommended but not a must.

Pasākuma datums

No 01/07/2024 līdz 30/06/2025

Pasākuma vieta

Szent István street 20,, Nyíregyháza, Ungārija

Individuāls brīvprātīgais darbs

Meklējam dalībniekus no šīm valstīm

British Antarctic Territory, Angilja, Albānija, Armēnija, Austrija, Aruba, Azerbaidžāna, Bosnija un Hercegovina, Beļģija, Bulgārija, Senbartelmī, Bermudu Salas, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Baltkrievija, Canary Islands, Kirasao, Kipra, Čehijas Republika, Vācija, Dānija, Alžīrija, Igaunija, Ēģipte, Grieķija, Spānija, Somija, Folklenda (Malvinu) Salas, Francija, Gruzija, Francijas Gviāna, Grenlande, Gvadelupa, Horvātija, Ungārija, Īrija, Izraēla, Britu Indijas Okeāna Teritorija, Islande, Itālija, Jordānija, Kaimanu Salas, Libāna, Lihtenšteina, Lietuva, Luksemburga, Latvija, Lībija, Maroka, Moldova (Republic of), Melnkalne, Saint Martin (french part), Ziemeļmaķedonija, Martinika, Montserrata, Malta, Jaunkaledonija, Nīderlande, Norvēģija, Francijas Polinēzija, Polija, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Palestīna, Portugāle, Reinjona, Rumānija, Serbija, Russian Federation, Zviedrija, Saint Helena, Slovēnija, Slovākija, Sint Maarten (dutch part), Syrian Arab Republic, Tērksas un Kaikosas Salas, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Tunisija, Turcija, Ukraina, Virgin Islands (British), Volisa un Futunas Salas, Kosovo * UN resolution

Pasākuma temati

Creativity and culture

Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš

Pieteikuma iesniegšanas termiņš: 09/06/2024 23:59