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Corpul european de solidaritate

Împreună suntem puternici

2024 JO in rural areas: Breakdancing, health sports, media

MJC Le Rond-Point


L'AIGLE, Franța


The 2024 Ouch'lympic Games are a team volunteering event from July 31 to August 15, 2024 in L'Aigle located in the Pays d'Ouche in Normandy, France to promote during the Paris Olympics: 1) European culture : - Celebrate 10 years of welcoming European volunteers to the MJC de L’Aigle - Create spaces for meetings and exchanges 2) Urban cultures : - Offer “breakdance” initiations and street art creations - Participate in the organization of an international Battle 3) Healthy sports culture : - Invite those who wish to do a daily sporting activity (muscle awakening, walking, cycling, etc.) - Encourage the practice of disabled sports during our events from August 3 to 10: Boggia, blind football, etc. 4) Media culture : - Develop citizen expression at the microphone of Kolectiv’ radio : giving a voice to young people and residents - Promote team volunteering and our activities with video: parody of an Olympic event, go live on social networks.

Cazare, hrană și transport

This European team volunteering will take place in tent accommodation at the Jo Masso stadium in L’Aigle. We will use the locker room toilets and showers. We will benefit from a covered space with an adapted kitchen, fridges, a bar and a covered outdoor space with tables for eating. The meals (intercultural, vegetarian, etc.) will be carried out by the young people as well as by the members of our team. We will favor transport on foot and by bike to get to the entertainment venues. Mini buses will provide logistical and physical support.

Formare pe durata activității

On arrival, young people will have: - Times of mutual knowledge - A presentation of the animation week - An introduction to radio animation - Raising awareness about healthy sports - A breakdance work shop - A shared time on the creation of rules of life - A distribution of each person’s roles with their personal positioning

Profilul participantului

We want participants to be young Europeans under 30 years old. The first motivation is to want to live a human and intercultural experience. We favor young people with sensitivity or skills in the following areas: - Breakdance and graffiti - Radio and video - Sports

Datele activității

De la 31/07/2024 până la 15/08/2024

Locul activității


Echipe de voluntariat

Se caută participanți din

Belgia, Cipru, Germania, Danemarca, Grecia, Spania, Finlanda, Georgia, Croația, Ungaria, Irlanda, Italia, Macedonia de Nord, Malta, Țările de Jos, Norvegia, Polonia, Portugalia, România, Suedia, Slovacia, Franța

Temele activității

Social challenges

Creativity and culture

Physical education and sport

Data-limită pentru înscriere

Termenul-limită pentru înscriere: 01/07/2024 23:59