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Corpul european de solidaritate

Împreună suntem puternici

EPVP - Eastern Partnership Volunteering Program 5.1®️

COSI (Civic Orientation and Social Integration)

Bucharest, România


We are looking for 10 volunteers, passionate young individuals between 18 and 30 years old, eager to make a difference. Are you looking for an opportunity to contribute to meaningful projects? Our NGO is seeking enthusiastic volunteers like you to join our team and create a positive impact in our community. - Join us to raise awareness and foster positive change through 6 Monthly raise awareness campaigns. - Share your own ESC experience and become an advocate for the program through promotional workshops, inspire a minimum of 50 young participants/students to explore the numerous opportunities ESC and Erasmus+ offer. Your first-hand knowledge and enthusiasm will encourage others to embark on life-changing journeys. - Play an organizational role in implementing 2 Erasmus+ Training Courses taking place in Romania. Please check the info are here ➡️ and send us the filled application form.

Cazare, hrană și transport

Join our team of young change-makers and become part of an inspiring community dedicated to creating positive educational/social change. This is an opportunity to develop valuable skills, expand your international network, and make a meaningful difference in the world around you. Of course ➡️ all the logistics (Accommodation in 2 nice apartments in Bucharest and all bills, international insurance, international and local transportation, mentoring, and VISA costs) are fully provided by COSI. Also, volunteers will receive 270 Euros/month (pocket + food money).

Formare pe durata activității

Once selected, we will go together through the preparation process. On arrival, volunteers will participate in an official training provided by the National Agency (online). They will also be provided with an introductory face-to-face training from the hosting organization. The training and support regarding the given tasks will be provided by the volunteer coordinator and mentors. Also, volunteers will participate in the face-to-face Mid Term Evaluation provided by the National Agency which allows them to assess their experience.

Profilul participantului

10 participants ➡️ NEET (Not in Employment, Education, Training) youngsters, conventionally unemployed, opportunity-seekers, available to commit for the full duration of the project; Committed to promote Human rights, sense of solidarity, inter-cultural dialogue, volunteering and active citizenship and to reduce stereotypes/prejudices, racism, discrimination, social inequality, poverty; Keen to develop within a multi-cultural environment; Motivated to acquire project management/writing, ICT and social media proficiency and events organizing skills; At least conversational level of English. - We are looking for 10 volunteers from: ➡️ EU countries (of which 2 Romanians); ➡️ EaP region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine); ➡️ Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo)

Datele activității

De la 18/11/2024 până la 18/05/2025

Locul activității

Splaiul Unirii 6, Bucharest, România

Voluntariat individual

Se caută participanți din

Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgia, Bosnia și Herțegovina, Bulgaria, Croația, Cipru, Republica Cehă, Danemarca, Estonia, Finlanda, Franța, Germania, Grecia, Ungaria, Irlanda, Italia, Letonia, Lituania, Luxemburg, Malta, Țările de Jos, Polonia, Portugalia, Slovacia, Slovenia, Spania, Suedia, Georgia, Moldova (Republic of), Ucraina, Macedonia de Nord, Serbia, Kosovo * UN resolution, Muntenegru

Temele activității

Citizenship and democratic participation

Education and training

Employment and entrepreneurship

Data-limită pentru înscriere

Termenul-limită pentru înscriere: 15/10/2024 21:08