TITLE: RENOFFICE - Empowerment Solidarity and Community Development in Vienna

Service Civil International Österreich
Wien, Avusturya
The office community Schottengasse in Vienna has existed for decades, providing critical initiatives and associations with working spaces and infrastructure. Schottengasse is composed of different social realities and associations involved in different fields, embracing solidarity actions and critical approaches to promote a system change and tackle social challenges. The activity intends to bring a group of international volunteers together with other young immigrants to offer their solidarity to the community and learn together about the topics of integration, youth engagement, solidarity and volunteering. At the same time, we aim to redirect the attention of the local community to such topics and relaunch the general support of the work done in the office. The volunteers will support the community with maintenance works to improve the spaces and make them more suitable and safe for hosting social activities and welcoming the people in need mentioned above.
Konaklama, yemek ve yol ayarlamaları
The volunteers will be accommodated with mattresses into one social house and social community appartment in Vienna. Volunteers will sleep, cook and eat together in a community dimension. Some food will be prepared as lunch packet and pick-nick style during the working time and some other occasions the volunteers will go to eat outside in the city.
Training during the activity
The volunteers will prepare materials for discussing on the topic based on their experiences or the status of migrants and refugees in their country. They will engage in intercultural events with local people from different backgrounds, cooking and sharing cultural awareness together. The local volunteers with fewer opportunities will be furtherly engaged in before the main volunteering activity and in follow-up activities after. The study part will depend on their contribution! The participants will benefit by improving their skills and learning about housing maintenance and self-reparations
Participant profile
Participant Profile People with immigration background. People with fewer opportunities. Motivated for solidarity and to work with a national team. **You should fill this form: https://forms.gle/x5YnF8CpTkcTn2W49**
Activity dates
Tarihinden 19/05/2025 tarihine kadar 20/06/2025
Activity location
Augasse 2-6, Wien, Avusturya
Volunteering teams
Looking for participants from
Cezayir, Ermenistan, Avusturya, Azerbeycan, Belarus, Belçika, Bosna Hersek, Bulgaristan, Hırvatistan, Kıbrıs, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Danimarka, Estonya, Finlandiya, Fransa, Gürcistan, Almanya, Yunanistan, Macaristan, İzlanda, İrlanda, İsrail, İtalya, Kosovo * UN resolution, Letonya, Litvanya, Lüksemburg, Moldova (Republic of), Karadağ, North Macedonia, Hollanda, Norveç, Filistin, Polonya, Portekiz, Romanya, Russian Federation, Sırbistan, Slovakya, Slovenya, İspanya, İsveç, Ukrayna, Birleşik Krallık, Mısır, Syrian Arab Republic
Activity topics
Social challenges
Citizenship and democratic participation
Working against discrimination (including gender discrimination)
Deadline for applications
Son başvuru tarihi: 23/03/2025 23:59