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Europos solidarumo korpusas


Think Green!

Legambiente Toscana APS

Legambiente Toscana Onlus

Firenze, Italija


The project will involve a total of four volunteers for eight months and will take place in different places of Florence and in Tuscan countryside. All activities of the project will be related to environmental issues, rural development and active participation in the community at local, national and European level. In particular, volunteers will take part in two different contexts: one is the office of Legambiente in Florence and the correlated activities in the city (campaigns, events, EVS promotion); another one is the rural context of Tuscany countryside (parks and protected areas managed by Legambiente). The EVS team will contribute to preserve nature and environment through an ecological and sustainable approach and will promote a dialogue and a cultural exchange within our community. The idea of this project is to educate volunteers to be able to transmit eco-friendly lifestyle, discovered during the EVS project.

Apgyvendinimas, maitinimas ir transportas

Volunteers will live all together in an apartment in Florence, fully expensed. Besides this, each of them will receive monthly food money, pocket money and transport. Also travel costs will be refunded. Furthermore, for each activity, the Organization will provide the suitable equipment, if necessary.

Mokymas veiklos laikotarpiu

Legambiente Toscana will organize training and seminars about environmental issues (pollution, marine litter, reuse and recycling, parks and protected areas, fauna ecc). The volunteers will also receive a specific formation before every activity in which they will partecipate and will take part to meetings about italian language and culture. Volunteers will be formed to use their knowledge and personal skills to reinforce the ability in team working. Volunteers will also have the possibility to develop their own project and their ideas in order to improve their skills and competences.

Dalyvio profilis

We need candidates from Germany and Cyprus. The candidate should have the following characteristics: - agree with the values of our organization - strong motivation to take part to the project and real interest in our activities - flexibility and adaptability to different kind of work and location - willingness to meet new persons with different cultures and backgrounds - interest in education of children and young people - tollerance and team spirit - ability to networking with other volunteers of other organizations - reliability and willingness to learn - creativity and initiative


A total of 30 week(s) during the period 01/04/2018 to 28/02/2019


Via Giampaolo Orsini 44, Firenze, Italija

Individuali savanoriška veikla

Ieškoma dalyvių iš

Veiklos temos

Environment and natural protection

Paraiškų pateikimo terminas

Paraiškų teikimo terminas: 22/04/2018 23:59