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Europos solidarumo korpusas


Volunteering in Caritas


Associazione InCo

Trento, Italija


For the second deadline of 2020 InCo has started to look for 1 future volunteer for our partner organisation Caritas Diözese Bozen-Brixen, based in Bolzano. The volunteer will work mainly with young people and people at risk of social exclusion. The volunteer will be involved in Young Caritas and in Casa Freinademetz (both for migrants and italians). Volunteer will collaborate in: -attending trainings for interculturality, migration and integration; -organising and implementing recreational activities for children; -assisting children in doing their homework; -database maintenance - entry and processing of personal information; -supporting refugees in their language learning path... And much more...

Apgyvendinimas, maitinimas ir transportas

You will get free accommodation for the whole duration of your voluntary service. A room will be provided at the disposition of the volunteer in the Caritas building in the centre of Bolzano. Kitchen facilities of the structure are open to the utilization of the volunteer. The volunteer will receive a monthly amount of money to sustain food expenses. You will also receive a transport card for the public transport.

Mokymas veiklos laikotarpiu

You will attend the training organised by the Italian National Agency. Besides you will also take part in monitoring meetings organised by InCo Association.

Dalyvio profilis

The perfect volunteer: -has interest in social subject -wants to rise awareness about people with fewer opportunities -has good knowledge of English, knowing German is an asset (please consider that Bolzano is a bi-lingual city) -is open to have interpersonal contact -is motivated to work in a dynamic team -bring creativity and maturity to develop your own activities and small project -has a proactive attitude


A total of 50 week(s) during the period 01/09/2020 to 31/08/2021


Via Galileo Galilei 24, Trento, Italija

Individuali savanoriška veikla

Ieškoma dalyvių iš

British Antarctic Territory, Angilija, Albanija, Armėnija, Austrija, Aruba, Azerbaidžanas, Bosnija ir Hercegovina, Belgija, Bulgarija, Bermuda, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Baltarusija, Canary Islands, Kiurasao, Kipras, Čekija, Vokietija, Danija, Alžyras, Estija, Egiptas, Graikija, Ispanija, Suomija, Folklandas, Prancūzija, Gruzija, Prancūzijos Gviana, Grenlandija, Kroatija, Vengrija, Airija, Izraelis, Indijos Vandenyno Britų Sritis, Islandija, Italija, Jordanija, Kaimanai, Libanas, Lichtenšteinas, Lietuva, Liuksemburgas, Latvija, Libija, Marokas, Moldova (Republic of), Juodkalnija, Saint Martin (french part), Šiaurės Makedonija, Montseratas, Malta, Naujoji Kaledonija, Nyderlandai, Norvegija, Prancūzijos Polinezija, Lenkija, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Palestina, Portugalija, Rumunija, Serbija, Russian Federation, Švedija, Slovėnija, Slovakija, Syrian Arab Republic, Terksas ir Kaikosas, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Tunisas, Turkija, Ukraina, Jungtinė Karalystė, Virgin Islands (British), Volisas ir Futūna, Kosovo * UN resolution

Veiklos temos

Social challenges

Paraiškų pateikimo terminas

Paraiškų teikimo terminas: 30/06/2020 23:59